Javascript Data Validator
Javascript Data Validation Library
Installation and Usage
Server Side
$ npm install levity-validator
import validator from 'levity-validator';
let isValid = validator.isAlphaNum("Test1234");
console.log(isValid); // true
Client Side
Working on it
isAlpha(str [,options])
only letters
options defaults: options={min: 0, max: 10000, locale: 'en-US', case: ''} locale: ['en-US',''] - * for any letters in any language case: ['upper','lower','*'] - * for upper and lower case
isAlphaNum(str [,options])
only letters and numbers
options defaults: options={min: 0, max: 10000, locale: 'en-US', case: ''} locale: ['en-US',''] - * for any letters in any language case: ['upper','lower','*'] - * for upper and lower case
isAlphaNumSpace(str [,options])
only letters and numbers and spaces
options defaults: options={min: 0, max: 10000, locale: 'en-US', case: ''} locale: ['en-US',''] - * for any letters in any language case: ['upper','lower','*'] - * for upper and lower case
isUsername(str [,options])
only letters and numbers [underscores, dots]
options defaults: options={min: 1, max: 15, hasUnderscore: true, hasDot: false} options.hasUnderscore: to allow underscores options.hasDot: to allow dots
isPass(str [,options])
letters + numbers + spaces + !#$%&"'`()*+-,./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~
options defaults: options={min: 6, max: 255}
Matches any Email Max Length: 10000 character
isText(str [,options])
Letters and Numbers from any language + Spaces + Punctuation + Marks (e.g. accents, umlauts, ...)
options defaults: options={min: 0, max: 10000}
isPattern(str, pattern [,options])
true if the str matches the pattern
pattern (string): regular expression (RegExp) options defaults: options={min: 0, max: 10000}
isStringNum(str [,options])
String that only contains numbers from any language
options defaults: options={min: 0, max: 10000}
isNum(num [,options])
Numbers without NaN or -NaN (variables with type numbers not strings that contains numbers) examples: 4,-20,1.5,-2.5
options defaults: options={min: null, max: null}
isInt(num [,options])
Integers examples: 4,-20
options defaults: options={min: null, max: null}
check if variable is defined
check if variable is string
check if string is empty
isOneOf(data, includeArray)
Checks if the data is one of the array values
let isOneOf = validator.isOneOf("Pewdiepie", ['Casey','David','Pewdiepie']);
console.log('isOneOf', isOneOf); // true
isEqualTo(data, value)
just like === operator
let isEqualTo = validator.isEqualTo('David', 'David');
console.log('isEqualTo', isEqualTo); // true
isArray(data, [,options])
Check it data is array and checks it's length
let isArray = validator.isArray([1,2,3], {min: 1, max: 5});
console.log('isArray', isArray); // true
isArrayEvery(array, conditionFunction)
Check if every item in the array meet the condition function
let isArrayEvery = validator.isArrayEvery([1,2,3,4], (item)=>item<5);
console.log('isArrayEvery', isArrayEvery); // true
isArraySome(array, conditionFunction)
Check if any one of the array items meets the condition function
let isArraySome = validator.isArraySome([1,2,3,4], (item)=>item==3);
console.log('isArraySome', isArraySome); // true
checkStringLength(str [, min, max])
check if string is empty
min (int): default: 0 max (int): default: null (for any max length)
validator.multiple(validator.isAlphaNum("test123"), validator.isAlpha("test")); // true
data: object the object keys contains: {value: dataToVerify, valid: validator [,required: false]}
valid (validator): the validator function value (any): the data to validate params (any): the validator function params (second argument) required (boolean): is the parameter required, default false (optional) convertStrToNum (boolean): if the value is string and can be converted to number then it will convert it, default false (optional)
returns object {status: true|false [,paramName: 'paramName', err: 'err msg']}
// optional: changing the error messages
validator.errMsgs.isInvalid = '$ Is Wrong !';
let trueValidate = validator.validate({
firstName: {valid: validator.isAlpha, value: 'David', params: {min: 3}, required: true},
age: {valid: validator.isInt, value: 25, params: {min: 1, max: 100}}
// console.log(trueValidate); // {status: true}
// this one with a parameter that is not required so it can be undefined and still true
let trueValidate2 = validator.validate({
firstName: {valid: validator.isAlpha, value: 'David', params: {min: 3}, required: true},
age: {valid: validator.isInt, value: undefined, params: {min: 1, max: 100}}
// console.log('trueValidate2', trueValidate2); // {status: true}
// this one with a parameter age that can be converted form str to number and still true
let trueValidate3 = validator.validate({
firstName: {valid: validator.isAlpha, value: 'David', params: {min: 3}, required: true},
age: {valid: validator.isInt, value: '25', params: {min: 1, max: 100}, convertStrToNum: true}
// console.log('trueValidate2', trueValidate2); // {status: true}
let falseValidate = validator.validate({
firstName: {valid: validator.isAlpha, value: 'David4', params: {min: 3}, required: true},
age: {valid: validator.isInt, value: '25', params: {min: 1, max: 100}, convertStrToNum: true}
// console.log('falseValidate', falseValidate); // {status: false, param: 'firstName, err: 'firstName is Wrong !'}