A rudimentary middleware / handler that records http requests to a local level db
A rudimentary middleware / handler that records http requests to a local level db.
Compatible with various web frameworks that use standard middleware interface function (req, res, next) {}
This module expects the given db to support:
- levelup interface
- bytewise key encoding
- json value encoding
normal use:
var stack = require('stack')
var db = require('level-bytewise')('./mydb')
var http = require('http')
var levelHttpRecorder = require('level-http-recorder')(db)
modify before a request is persisted
var stack = require('stack')
var db = require('level-bytewise')('./mydb')
var http = require('http')
var levelHttpRecorder = require('level-http-recorder')(db, function (requestData, request) {
// do stuff to request data
// DO NOT modify request!
requestData.myField = 'foo'
Every recorded request will have the following fields, represented here as the field name: the field name used to populate the value from the request object
var result = {
ip: request.ip, // if request had an ip property, this will be it
requestId: [12312312312233,2] // the leveldb key of the request,
method: request.method,
httpVersion: request.httpVersion,
headers: request.headers,
url: request.url,
trailers: request.trailers,
time: Date.utc(),
query: {}, // a parsed query string
body: ... // if there is a body to the request and config.writeBody === true || request.writeBody === true - this field will hold the entire body. It is advisable to employ limit restrictions