This is for Leumas React App Library API, to embed our apps directly into your react apps. This is a solid demo, as I would love to expand this to suit other things like my html library, python gui library, or other libraries for things like the batc file
Leumas API Documentation
This documentation provides an overview of the available - Method: GET routes in the Leumas API.
Base URL
The base URL for all endpoints is:
Get All Folders
Retrieve a list of all folders in the ReactLibrary directory.
Method: GET
Description: This endpoint returns a JSON array containing the names of all folders in the ReactLibrary directory.
Example Request
Example Response
[ "Folder1", "Folder2", "Folder3"]
Get A Folder
Retrieve all apps within a specific folder.
Endpoint: /react-apps/apps-in-folder/:folderName
Method: GET
Description: This endpoint returns a JSON object with the folder name, the number of apps, and a list of all apps within the specified folder.
Example Request:
- Example Response
"folder": "Folder1",
"numberOfApps": 3,
"apps": [
Get All Apps
Retrieve a list of all apps with their paths and counts.
Endpoint: /react-apps/list-apps
Method: GET
Description: This endpoint returns a JSON object with the total number of apps, the number of apps in each folder, and a list of all app paths.
Example Request:
- Example Response
"numberOfApps": 6,
"appsInEachFolder": {
"Folder1": 3,
"Folder2": 2,
"Root": 1
"files": [
Get Specific App
Retrieve the code for a specific JSX app, including its dependencies.
Endpoint: /get-app/react-apps/*
Method: GET
Description: This endpoint returns a JSON object containing the main code of the specified app and its dependencies.
Example Request:
- Example Response { "mainCode": "import React, { useState } from 'react';\n\nconst App1 = () => { ... };\n\nexport default App1;", "dependencies": { "./Dependency1.jsx": "import React from 'react';\n\nconst Dependency1 = () => { ... };\n\nexport default Dependency1;", "./Dependency2.jsx": "import React from 'react';\n\nconst Dependency2 = () => { ... };\n\nexport default Dependency2;" } }
Get Embed URL
Coming Soon: This endpoint is not currently functional but will be available in a future update.
Endpoint: /embed/react-apps/*
Method: - Method: GET
Description: This endpoint will return an iframe HTML snippet for embedding a specific JSX app.
Example Request:
- Example Response
<iframe src="https://leumas-api-63700dc8135b.herokuapp.com/react-apps/Folder1/App1.jsx" width="100%" height="600px" style="border: none;"></iframe>