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Letters and Spaces
Quickly build beautiful responsive flexbox-based grid layouts with modular typography and vertical rhythm using the Letters and Spaces SASS framework. This framework:
- Uses REMs to respect user font size settings
- Provides mixins to set font sizes and line-heights based on a preset and configurable modular scale
- Provides mixins to responsively handle margin and padding spacing whilst maintaining vertical rhythm
- Sets base font sizes and lien heights responsively (i.e. different base font sizes and line heights per breakpoint)
- Sets typescale ratios responsively (i.e. different typescales per breakpoint)
- Uses and provides classes for a responsive flexbox-based grid and column system
Quick start
There are three ways to start using this framework in your app.
- Download the latest relase
- Git clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/opinionated-digital-studio/letters-and-spaces.git
- Install with NPM
npm install letters-and-spaces --save-dev
Whilst you can use the compiled CSS as a normalize, you can get the most value out of this framework
by importing the framework with the @use
rule in SASS and configuring your own variables.
That way, you can extend on the work by using the mixins to maintain vertical rhythm in your project.
The Letters and Spaces framework is released under the Climate Strike License.