framework for serverless middleware
A framework and extensions for serverless middleware.
Middleware can be asynchronous. Javascript natively defines a chaining mechanism for async operations. Promise chains are a natural way to implement middleware.
This framework does nothing more than chain, in series, an array of functions that each return a promise. Each function is expected to pass the sole argument onto the next function in the chain, with the exception of the final function, which should return the desired output shape.
npm i -S lessware
Example Usage - API Route Controller
const { framework } = require('lessware')
module.exports = framework([
// simply adds a new field to the payload
async context => ({...context, message: 'hello world'}),
// use field added in chain's previous method
async context => ({
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({message: context.message}),
Example Usage - Entry Point Integration
// module from previous example
const hello = require('./hello')
const router = {hello}
exports.handler = async (event, ctx) => {
// initialize and pass the context parameter for the chain
return route[event.fieldName]({event, ctx})
Example Usage - Decorate all routes
const hello = require('./hello')
const { framework } = require('lessware')
// define a common configuration middleware
const configMiddleware = async context => ({...context, config: {
aws: {
region: process.env.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION,
mongo: {
secretConnection: process.env.NAME_SECRET_MONGO_CONNECTION,
// define router
const routes = {hello}
const router = Object.keys(routes).reduce((accum, path) => ({
// decorate routes with common middleware
[path]: framework([configMiddleware, routes[path]]),
exports.handler = async (event, ctx) => {
// initialize and pass the context parameter for the chain
return route[event.fieldName]({event, ctx})
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