Global mouse and keyboard events Listener
Lepik Events
An event based, Global Keyboard and Mouse listener.
Lepik Events is only part from LepikJS. Definitely try it out!
Visit LepikJS's website.
New Feature v2.0.0+
LepikEvents now does not ship whole python binary! The performance is up to 20x better with 10x smaller size! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLepikEventsv2.0.0
npm install lepikevents
Hello World!
// Require lepikEvents
const lepikEvents = require('lepikevents');
lepikEvents.events.on('mouseClick', (data) => {
console.log("Hello World!"); //Should print "Hello World!" after each click of mouse
// Require lepikEvents
const lepikEvents = require('lepikevents');
lepikEvents.events.on('keyPress', (data) => {
// Returns key pressed as String
console.log(data); // e||esc||space||backspace ...
lepikEvents.events.on('keyDown', (data) => {
// Returns key pushed as String
console.log(data); // e||esc||space||backspace ...
lepikEvents.events.on('keyUp', (data) => {
// Returns key released as String
console.log(data); // e||esc||space||backspace ...
lepikEvents.events.on('mouseClick', (data) => {
// Returns array containing mouse position x, y and button clicked
console.log(data); // [361, 235, *1]
// *1 for left, 2 for right, 3 for middle
lepikEvents.events.on('mouseDoubleClick', (data) => {
// Returns array containing mouse position x, y and button double-clicked
console.log(data); // [361, 235, *1]
// *1 for left, 2 for right, 3 for middle
lepikEvents.events.on('mouseMove', (data) => {
// Returns array containing mouse x, y and time (seconds)
console.log(data); // [20, -35, 1663787912.698]
lepikEvents.events.on('mouseUp', (data) => {
// Returns array containing mouse x, y
console.log(data); // [20, 35]
lepikEvents.events.on('mouseDown', (data) => {
// Returns array containing mouse x, y
console.log(data); // [20, 75]
All events
Curently there are 7 events in total, mouseMove, mouseClick, mouseDown, mouseUp, keyPress, keyUp and keyDown.
Lepik Events uses native c++ winapi on windows, so you don't have to have anything installed.
On unix systems, it uses Python keyboard and Python mouse which runs on Python. So python is needed on non-windows systems. You need to have atleast Python3 installed.
Windows systems: Nothing needed Unix systems: Python3
PS: It's better to have atleast node13 but not required.
The code is licensed under the MIT license (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). See LICENSE file.