Event-sourced state support
Event-sourced models for nodejs or browser
npm install --save leopold
Quick Start
Eventable models
import leopold from 'leopold'
import stampit from 'stampit'
// create a leo that includes a unit of work and factory for event providers
const leo = leopold()
const accountSpec = stampit()
// by convention, event handlers are named '$' + '${event.name}'
// async handlers are supported
$initialized: function(e) {
this.name = e.name
this.balance = e.balance
, $deposited: function(e) {
this.balance = e.balance
, initialize: function(name) {
//returns a promise
return this.raise({
event: 'initialized'
, id: 'checking'
, balance: 0
, name: name
, deposit: function(amount) {
return this.raise({
event: 'deposited'
, balance: (this.balance + amount)
const customerSpec = stampit()
$initialized: function(e) {
this.name = e.name
this.accounts = {}
, $accountApproved: function(e) {
//use special _id attribute to initialize new account
return account()
.initialize(e.accountId, e.accountName)
.then(function(newAccount) {
this.accounts[e.accountName] = newAccount
, initialize: function(name) {
return this.raise({
event: 'initialized'
, name: name
, id: 42
, approveAccount: function(accountName) {
let acctId = cuid()
return this.raise({
event: 'accountApproved'
, accountName: accountName
, accountId: acctId
return this.accounts[acctId].initialize()
, makeDeposit: function(account, amount) {
return this.accounts[account].deposit(amount)
let customer = customerSpec.create()
customer.approveAccount('checking') // -> customer.accounts['checking']
customer.makeDeposit('checking',300.42) // -> account.balance === 300.42
Notice we have a object graph that is two deep.
Now let's consume a set of events to restore state to where this was
let instance = customerSpec.create({_id: 1})
let events = [
{ event: 'initialized', id: 1, name: 'mike' }
, { event: 'accountApproved', id: 1, name: 'checking' }
, { event: 'initialized', id: 'checking', name: 'checking', balance: 0 }
, { event: 'deposited', id: 'checking', balance: 300.42}
let envelope = {
revision: 1
, events: events
// events are stored as envelopes
return leo.mount(envelope)
return leo.restore(instance, 0 , Number.MAX_VALUE)
// instance.accounts[{cuid}].balance === 300.42
Taking advantage of events for testing side effects
import leopold from 'leopold'
import stampit from 'stampit'
// create a leo that includes a unit of work and factory for event providers
const envelopes = []
const storage = {
store(env) { envelopes.push(env )}
const leo = leopold({
//this commits events right away
atomic: false
, storage
const myModel = stampit()
// by convention, event handlers are named '$' + '${event.name}'
// async handlers are supported
$initialized: function(e) {
//do stuff
, initialize: function() {
return this.raise({ event: ‘initialized’})
envelopes.length === 1 // true
envelopes[0].events[0].event === ‘initialized’ // true
uses stampit under the hood
and the eventable
call presumes you are composing event source behavior
into an prototype ('spec').
is also using some ES6 features that require babel.
Running tests
make test
make browser
(browser) then visit on any browser at http://localhost:2222