Hierarchical winston loggers
Hierarchical logger system for winston with configurable data flows, inspired by Python logging facility.
First, you instantiate the LeoWinston
container object: the service object which allows you to access all loggers
you create with it.
var LeoWinston = require('leo-winston').LeoWinston;
var leo = new LeoWinston({
levels: { silly: 0, debug: 1, verbose: 2, info: 3, warn: 4, error: 5 },
decorate: true,
propagate: true
The following LeoWinston
container options are available:
: Log levels to use for all loggers. Default: uses winston's npm levels;decorate: Boolean
: Whether to decorate each message with the logger name. Default: truepropagate: Boolean
: Use log messages propagation?When propagation is enabled, messages bubble up to parent loggers
When a message is logged with the 'a.b.c.d' logger, it will propagate to loggers 'a.b.c', 'a.b', 'a', and finally, 'root'.
Define loggers
You define loggers with the following method:
LeoWinston.add(name, options):Logger
name: String
: The name of the logger to add.In order to use propagation, use '.'-notation to qualify logger names.
options: Object?
: Logger options object:propagate: Boolean
: Whether messages from this logger propagate further. Default:true
When a logger is created with
propagate: false
, it will consume the messages without passing them on.transports: Object
: Winston transports configuration. See: Working with transports.
It's required that you have a single logger named 'root'
: this topmost logger catches messages from all registered
loggers (unless they explicitly define propagation: false
leo.add('root', {
transports: {
console: { level: 'silly', silent: false, colorize: true, timestamp: true }
leo.add('http', { // will pass the messages on to 'root'
transports: {
file: { // log HTTP requests to a file
level: 'silly', silent: false, colorize: false, timestamp: true,
filename: '/tmp/tmp/root.log', json: false
leo.add('http.users', {}); // no logging, just propagate for now
leo.add('http.requests', {
propagate: false, // don't propagate
transports: { // log to console
console: { level: 'silly', silent: false, colorize: true }
It's wise to keep logger options in a config file: this way you'll have flexible app configurations.
After you've configured your loggers, use the following method to get a logger:
If the logger was not defined, it's created as a no-op logger. When propagation is enabled, its messages propagate to the 'root' logger.
Wielding a logger, use it like a normal Winston logger:
var logger = leo.get('http.users');
logger.log('info', 'message'); // (level, message[, meta][, callback])
// Each log level gets a corresponding method
Propagation Concepts
- When anything is logged to logger 'A.B.C.D', the message propagates up to loggers 'A.B.C', 'A.B', 'A' and 'root'
- If any of the intermediate loggers does not exist - no problem: the message proceeds going up through the chain
- If any logger is configured with
propagation: false
, the message propagation stops on it.
Handling Uncaught Exceptions
// Assuming your 'root' logger is configured correctly
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
leo.get('error').error(err + "\n" + err.stack);