State management for React using lenses.
Global store for React using lenses.
TL;DR Full example
import React from 'react'
import lenzr, { lensProp } from 'lenzr'
// First we will set up a new store.
const { withGlobalStore, connect } = lenzr({ count: 10 })
// Create a lens for accessing the count data in the store.
const countLens = lensProp('count')
// A simple component with the count value and a set function to manipulate the store.
const Counter = ({ count, set }) =>
<div onClick={() => set(countLens, count + 1)}>{count}</div>
// Connect the component to the global store
// It will provide functions to access the store (set/over/view)
// And will map data from the store throught a lens to props
const ConnectedCounter = connect({ count: countLens })(Counter)
// The App with a HOC to provide the global store.
const App = withGlobalStore(() => (
<ConnectedCounter />
Lenzr API
The lenzr function will return an object with the following functions:
- withGlobalStore: HOC for making the store available for other components.
- connect: HOC for connection other components to the store.
- useLensGlobalStore: React Hook with contains functions to operate on the store
Store operation set/view/over
Both the connect and useLensGlobalStore exposes functions which can be used to operate on the store.
const ConnectedApp = connect()(
({set, over, view}) => {
const AppWithHook = () => {
const {set, over, view} = useLensGlobalStore()
Important note: 'useLensGlobalStore' will always cause a re-render of the component if the store has changed. If the return value is very expensive, you could wrap it with React.useMemo.
With the 'set' function a specific value can be changed or added in the store, using the given lens.
const ResetButton = connnect()(({ set }) => {
const reset = () => set(countLens, 0)
return <button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>
Also with the 'over' function can the value be changed in the store, but instead of a value, a function is given. This function accepts the old value and needs to return the new value.
const IncButton = connnect()(({ over }) => {
const inc = () => over(countLens, x => x + 1)
return <button onClick={inc}>Increment</button>
With the 'view' function a value in the store can be viewed, it needs a lens to read it from the store.
const Counter = connnect()(({ view }) => {
const count = view(countLens)
return <div>{count}</di>v