JSON viewer with Dark Theme, Search, Filters, paths Reopening and more =)
JSON viewer with Dark Theme, Search, Filters, paths Reopening and more =)
(npm / yarn):
npm i -S lego-react-json-view
yarn add lego-react-json-view
DEMO link
: lego-react-json-view
Quick-start - React code example
// Import LegoView
import LegoView from "lego-react-json-view";
// ...
// Use LegoReactJsonView with json data
return <LegoView json={json} />;
Full example
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
// Import LegoView
import LegoViewer from "lego-react-json-view";
const App = () => {
const json = {
hello: {
test: "test json data",
hide: {
this: {
path: {
data: "inner data (hide.this.path)"
// Use LegoReactJsonView with json data
return <LegoViewer json={json} />;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Custom settings:
Settings object (propsSettings) could be passed directly in react component:
const propsSettings = {
theme: "auto",
fontSize: "0.81",
searchLimit: "111",
isExpanded: false
return <LegoViewer
- fontSize - json font size;
- searchLimit - max number of showing results;
- theme - color theme mode ("light" | "dark" | "auto");
- isExpanded - is expanded by default all json objects?
- propsSettings have higher priority, then inner (witch could be changed via UI interface)!
- inner settings will be dropped to propsSettings after page reload!
Main features:
- [x] Save previously opened paths in json;
- [x] Collaps paths by collaps filters;
- [x] Search paths in json.
Custom filter settings:
- [x] Add filter;
- [x] Delete filter;
- [x] Expanded block will be restored after page reload (saved in localStorage - LS) ;
- [x] Show/hide collapsed section will be restored after page reload (LS);
- [-] Enable/disable filter (one by one).
"Search" in json:
- [x] Value search;
- [x] Path search;
- [x] fuzzy search;
- [x] Full json search
- heighlight all found results,
- collaps all unnecessary blocks in json after search;
- [x] Find all paths in json tree;
- [x] On Enter - show all results;
- [x] Search button;
- [x] Path could be separated by items: [".", "/", "\"].
Additional settings:
- [x] Copy button clipboard;
- [x] Dynamic font size (buttons);
- [x] Auto change theme dark/light mode (based on macOS theme);
- [x] Manual theme change (dark/light/auto mode).
Friendly ui:
- [x] Settings toggle by button (on the right top corner ?);
- [x] Toggle dark/light theme;
- [-] Redesign button (it's not clear that it's a button =) );
- [x] Think about search counter (sometimes it's too big or too small);
- [-] Clipboard button scale with font size;
- [-] ? Show tooltip (Copied) after clicking on clipboard;
- [x] onEnter search with empty input - clean results;
- [x] Clear search text (button);
- [x] Add settings close button;
- [-] Input animation (?);
- [-] On Search loading animations.