given a list of files, tell me which one has the least amount of black
small node library that uses imagemagick to tell you what's the image with the least amount of black among a list of image files
Install ImageMagick
This library requires ImageMagick 6 or higher.
On Mac:
> brew install imagemagick
> npm install -g least-black
> yarn global add least-black
> least-black -c 1 --fuzz 20 analyze ~/Desktop/Screen\ Shot\ 2018-03-04\ at\ 8.00.38\ PM.png ~/Downloads/chess.png
or with npx
> npx least-black -c 1 --fuzz 20 analyze ~/Desktop/Screen\ Shot\ 2018-03-04\ at\ 8.00.38\ PM.png ~/Downloads/chess.png
more info
> least-black help
least-black 1.0.3 - CLI for least-black, a tool to identify the image with the least amount of black from set of images
cli.js <command> [options]
analyze [images...] analyze the amount of black of a list of image files (supports glob pattern)
pick [images...] pick the image with the least amout of black from list of image files (supports glob pattern)
help <command> Display help for a specific command
-h, --help Display help
-V, --version Display version
--no-color Disable colors
--quiet Quiet mode - only displays warn and error messages
-v, --verbose Verbose mode - will also output debug messages
Use through API
const { analyzeBlackPercentage, findleastBlack } = require('least-black');
// files to analyze
const files = ['~/Downloads/chess.png', '~/Desktop/Screen\ Shot\ 2018-03-04\ at\ 8.00.38\ PM.png'];
// how much fuzz to contemplate for the black color
const fuzz = 10;
// how many concurrent `convert` operations to run
const concurrency = 2;
// results it's an array of objects, first result is the one with the least amount of black color
analyzeBlackPercentage(files, fuzz, concurrency, thresholdPercentage).then(percentages => console.log('%j', percentages));
// prints:
// [
// {
// "image": "/Users/ubocchio/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 8.00.38 PM.png",
// "black": 0.00546061
// },
// {
// "image": "/Users/ubocchio/Downloads/chess.png",
// "black": 50.9954
// }
// ]
// or just use findLeastBlack that will return one such objects, the one with the least amount of black
findLeastBlack(files, fuzz, concurrency,thresholdPercentage).then(leastBlack => console.log('%j', leastBlack));
// prints:
// {
// "image": "/Users/ubocchio/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 8.00.38 PM.png",
// "black": 0.00546061
// }
API Spec
analyzeBlackPercentage( files: Array fuzz: Int, concurrency: Int): Promise
- files: The array of images to analyze
- fuzz: the fuzz factor, an integer from 0-100 that represents a percentage
- concurrency: how many concurrent 'convert' operations to run
Returns: A Promise that will resolve an array with the results for each image. Each result is an object that looks like:
{ "image": "/path/to/image", "black": 25.234 }
The array is sorted by least amout of black.
findLeastBlack( files: Array fuzz: Int, concurrency: Int, threshold: Int): Promise
- files: The array of images to analyze
- fuzz: the fuzz factor, an integer from 0-100 that represents a percentage
- concurrency: how many concurrent 'convert' operations to run
- threshold(optional): what black percentace to stop at when finding the least black
Returns: A Promise that will resolve a single result object that looks like:
{ "image": "/path/to/image", "black": 25.234 }
for the file with the least amount of black from the images provided.