Leaflet Emoji Layer
Leaflet.emoji is a Leaflet plugin to render a layer (typically with a GeoJSON file) into a string made of emojis.
The goal is to produce copy-pastable thematic maps.
Emoji maps
Future plans
- more use cases and demos
- a sandbox to quickly experiment with GeoJSON files
- support for overlapping polygons
- support for points and lines (now only support polygons)
- support for mapping from emoticons (ie, ;-))
- not only render vector, but also raster layers
- UTFGrid support?
- better performance, better approach than the current naive one, ie "point in polygon in every polygon for every grid cell"
The plugin is currently at a "proof of concept" stage, stability and performance are not there yet and API is likely to heavily change.
Basic usage
var emoji = L.emoji(geoJSON, {
emoji: '😊'
Set emoji size in grid
var emoji = L.emoji(geoJSON, {
emoji: '👍',
size: 30
Using a configuration object
var emoji = L.emoji(geoJSON, {
emoji: {
property: 'countryName',
values: {
'United Kingdom': '☂️'
defaultValue: '☀️️',
emptyValue: '🐟'
: refers to the geoJSON property to be matchedvalues
: a property value - emoji hashdefaultValue
: the emoji to fill polygons if it doesn't match anyvalue
. Whitespace is rendered if omitted.emptyValue
: the emoji to fill space outside all polygons. Whitespace is rendered if omitted.
Using shortcodes
var emoji = L.emoji(geoJSON, {
emoji: ':sparkles:'
Sequential scales
var emoji = L.emoji(geoJSON, {
emoji: {
property: 'hdi_2013',
classes: {
'breaks': [ 4.3, 4.6, 4.9, 5.4 ],
'emojis': ['😵', '🙁', '😐', '🙂', '😃']
Using a function
var emoji = L.emoji(geoJSON, {
emoji: function (feature) {
if (!feature) {
return L.Emoji.EMPTY;
return L.Emoji.getShortcode(':flag_' + feature.properties.iso2.toLowerCase() + ':');
can be a function that will take the geoJSON feature as a parameter.
To render whitespace, use L.Emoji.EMPTY
To match a shortcode with an emoji, use L.Emoji.getShortcode