TypeScript definitions for leaflet-search
typings for leaflet-search
huge thanks to @bastisk for the initial typings, but the repo looks unmaintained.
will publish to DefinitelyTyped if this is useful to anyone.
npm install --save-dev leaflet-search-types
you could add these lines to the top of your js file.
* @typedef {import('leaflet-search-types')}
* @typedef {import('leaflet')}
import * as L from "leaflet";
* @exports L.Control.Search
* @exports L.control.search
declare module "leaflet" {
namespace Control {
class Search extends Control {
constructor(options?: SearchConstuctorOptions);
* event listener
* @param layer
type: string | "search:collapsed" | "search:expanded" | "search:cancel",
fn: (e: SearchEvent) => any,
context?: any
): this;
* event listener
* @param type "search:locationfound"
* @param fn callback function
* @param context
type: "search:locationfound",
fn: (e: SearchEventFound) => any,
context?: any
): this;
* set layer search at runtime
* @param layer layer search
setLayer(layer: LayerGroup): void;
* show alert message
* @param message message to show
showAlert(message: string): void;
* search text by external code
* @param text text to search
searchText(text: string): void;
* leaflet search options
interface SearchConstuctorOptions {
* url for search by ajax request, ex: `"search.php?q={s}"`. Can be function to returns string for dynamic parameter setting
* @default ""
url?: string;
* layer where search markers (is a `L.LayerGroup`)
* @default null
layer?: LayerGroup;
* function to fill `_recordsCache`, passed searching text by first param and callback in second
* @param text searching text
* @param callback
* @default null
sourceData?: (text: string, callback: (...args: any[]) => any) => any;
* jsonp param name for search by jsonp service, ex: `"callback"`
* @default null
jsonpParam?: string;
* field for remapping location, using array: `['latname','lonname']` for select double fields(ex. `['lat','lon']` ) support dotted format: `'prop.subprop.title'`
* @default 'loc'
propertyLoc?: string[] | string;
* property in `marker.options `(or `feature.properties` for vector layer) trough filter elements in layer,
* @default 'title'
propertyName?: string;
* callback for reformat all data from source to indexed data object
* @default null
formatData?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* callback for filtering data from text searched, params: `textSearch`, `allRecords`
* @default null
filterData?: (textSearch: string, allRecords: any) => any;
* callback run on location found, params: latlng, title, map
* @default null
moveToLocation?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* function to return row tip html node(or html string), receive text tooltip in first param
* @default null
buildTip?: (...args: any[]) => HTMLElement | any;
* container id to insert Search Control
* @default ""
container?: string;
* default zoom level for move to location
* @default null
zoom?: number;
* minimal text length for autocomplete
* @default 1
minLength?: number;
* search elements only by initial text
* @default true
initial?: boolean;
* search elements in case sensitive text
* @default false
casesensitive?: boolean;
* complete input with first suggested result and select this filled-in text.
* @default true
autoType?: boolean;
* delay while typing for show tooltip
* @default 400
delayType?: number;
* limit max results to show in tooltip. -1 for no limit, 0 for no results
* @default -1
tooltipLimit?: number;
* auto map `panTo` when click on tooltip
* @default true
tipAutoSubmit?: boolean;
* auto select first result con enter click
* @default false
firstTipSubmit?: boolean;
* autoresize on input change
* @default true
autoResize?: boolean;
* collapse search control at startup
* @default true
collapsed?: true;
* collapse search control after submit (on button or on tips if enabled `tipAutoSubmit`)
* @default false
autoCollapse?: boolean;
* delay for autoclosing alert and collapse after blur
* @default 1200
autoCollapseTime?: number;
* error message
* @default 'Location not found'
textErr?: string;
* title in cancel button
* @default 'Cancel'
textCancel?: string;
* placeholder value
* @default 'Search'
textPlaceholder?: string;
* remove circle and marker on search control collapsed
* @default false
hideMarkerOnCollapse?: boolean;
* position in the map
* @default 'topleft'
position?: string;
* custom L.Marker or false for hide
* @default { icon: false, animate: true, circle: { radius: 10, weight: 3, color: '#e03', stroke: true, fill: false } }
marker?: SearchMarkerConstructorOptions;
* leaflet search marker options
interface SearchMarkerConstructorOptions {
* custom L.Icon for maker location or false for hide
* @default false
icon?: Icon | boolean;
* animate a circle over location found
* @default true
animate?: boolean;
* draw a circle in location found
* @default CircleMarker.options
circle?: Circle;
* kind of a base event
interface SearchEvent extends LeafletEvent {
text: string;
type: string;
interface SearchEventFound extends SearchEvent {
* location
latlng: LatLng;
* title
title: string;
* layer of target
layer: Layer;
namespace control {
* creates a new search control
* @param options
function search(options?: Control.SearchConstuctorOptions): Control.Search;