TypeScript definitions for leaflet-realtime
typings for leaflet-realtime
simple typescript definitions for leaflet-realtime
npm install --save-dev leaflet-realtime-types
you could add these lines to the top of your js file.
* @typedef {import('leaflet-realtime-types')}
* @typedef {import('leaflet')}
import * as L from "leaflet";
declare namespace leaflet {}
declare module "leaflet" {
export class Realtime extends GeoJSON {
constructor(source: RealtimeSource, options?: RealtimeOptions);
* starts automatic updates
start(): this;
* stops automatic updates
stop(): this;
* tells if automatic updates are running
isRunning(): boolean;
* Updates the layer's data. If `featureData` is provided, it is used to add or update data in the layer, otherwise the layer's source is queried for new data asynchronously
update(featureData?: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection | GeoJSON.Feature[]): this;
* Removes the provided feature or features from the layer
remove(featureData: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection | GeoJSON.Feature): this;
* Retrieves the layer used for a certain feature
getLayer(featureId: number): Layer | undefined;
* Retrieves the feature data for the given `featureId`
getFeature(featureId: number): GeoJSON | undefined;
* creates a new realtime layer
export function realtime(
source: RealtimeSource,
options?: RealtimeOptions
): Realtime;
* add additional events
interface Evented {
on(type: "update", fn: RealtimeUpdateEventHandler, context?: any): this;
off(type: "update", fn?: RealtimeUpdateEventHandler, context?: any): this;
once(type: "update", fn: RealtimeUpdateEventHandler, context?: any): this;
type: "update",
fn: RealtimeUpdateEventHandler,
context?: any
): this;
type: "update",
fn?: RealtimeUpdateEventHandler,
context?: any
): this;
type: "update",
fn: RealtimeUpdateEventHandler,
context?: any
): this;
* leaflet search options
interface RealtimeOptions extends GeoJSONOptions {
* Should automatic updates be enabled when layer is added on the map and stopped when layer is removed from the map
* @default true
start?: boolean;
* Automatic update interval, in milliseconds
* @default 60000
interval?: number;
* Function used to get an identifier uniquely identify a feature over time
* @default (featureData) => featureData.properties.id
getFeatureId(featureData: GeoJSON.Feature): any;
* Used to update an existing feature's layer; by default, points (markers) are updated, other layers are discarded and replaced with a new, updated layer. Allows to create more complex transitions, for example, when a feature is updated
* @default (featureData, oldLayer) => newLayer
updateFeature(featureData: GeoJSON.Feature, oldLayer: Layer): Layer;
* Specifies the layer instance to display the results in
* @default L.geoJson()
container?: LayerGroup;
* Should missing features between updates been automatically removed from the layer
* @default false
removeMissing?: boolean;
* cache AJAX requests
* @default false
cache?: boolean;
* @default false
onlyRunWhenAdded?: boolean;
* @default true
logErrors?: boolean;
interface RealtimeUpdateEvent extends LeafletEvent {
features: RealtimeFeatureHash;
enter: RealtimeFeatureHash;
update: RealtimeFeatureHash;
exit: RealtimeFeatureHash;
interface RealtimeFeatureHash {
[key: string]: GeoJSON.Feature;
type RealtimeUpdateEventHandler = (event: RealtimeUpdateEvent) => void;
type RealtimeSource =
| string
| (RequestInit & { url: string })
| ((
success: (
features: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection | GeoJSON.Feature
) => void,
error: (error: Object, message: string) => void
) => void);