Leaflet connectors is a plugin to draw lines from the outlines of various geometries.
Leaflet Outline Connector
Leaflet connectors is a plugin to draw lines from the outlines of various geometries.
Live-Demo: https://severino.github.io/leaflet-outline-connector/
Checkout the Demo section for more infos how to use the Demo effectively.
Supported Geometries
Currently the following geometries are supported:
- Point
- Array ([lat,lng])
- L.LatLng
- CircleMarker
- Circle
- ShapeMarkers
- Square
Using yarn
yarn add leaflet-outline-connector
Using npm
npm i leaflet-outline-connector
Import into your environment
You can import the plugin into your environment, with the following methods:
Script Tag
<!-- Import leaflet first and then, ... -->
<script src="/node_modules/leaflet-outline-connector/leaflet-outline-connector.js"></script>
Import Statement
import L from "leaflet"
// You can just import the plugin,
// it will be automatically available on
// the 'L' object.
import "leaflet-outline-connector"
Simple Connector
When having two (or more) that you want to connect, you simply create a connector like that:
< setup leaflet regulary with a map variable called 'map' >
// You can even connect CIRCLE MARKERS ...
const Stuttgart = L.circleMarker([48.7784485, 9.1800132]).addTo(map);
// with CIRCLES.
const Hamburg = L.circle([53.550341, 10.000654], { radius: 20000}).addTo(map);
// OPTIONAL: You can provide your own options to style the path...
let options = {
color: "red"
// ... or use the options of one of the existing geometries.
options = Stuttgart.options
L.connector([Stuttgart, Hamburg], options)
// The connector is a normal path object that must be added
// to the map separately from the markers.
// Optional to bring the connector to the back
// otherwise the line end is on top of the markers
// and it looks not so clean.
Connect one (origin) with many (destination)
You may also provide as many elements as you want, whereas the first element is the origin and for each further element (destination) a line is created from the origin to that destination.
// Multiple example
const franceColor = "blue";
const Paris_origin = L.circle([48.788771, 2.323608], { radius: 30000, fill: false, color: franceColor }).addTo(map);
const Reims = L.shapeMarker([49.2595, 4.02798], { shape: "square", radius: 10, fill: false, color: franceColor }).addTo(map);
const Rouen = L.circle([49.434347, 1.0943916], { radius: 10000, fill: false, color: franceColor }).addTo(map);
const LeMans = L.circleMarker([47.982456, 0.218905], { radius: 10, fill: false, color: franceColor }).addTo(map);
* When connecting multiple geometries, the first
* provided element is the origin and all connectors
* will be drawn from this element to the others.
L.connector([Paris_origin, Reims, Rouen, LeMans], { color: franceColor }).addTo(map);
The demo provides a good insight on the capabilities of the plugin and also a proper playground when developing.
The behavior of the app may be altered utilizing the query string of the URL. Following parameters and values are available:
| name | values | example | description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | center | lat[float],lng[float] | ?center=52.241256,18.720703 | Sets the viewport position on the map to the coodinates specified. | | zoom | zoom-level[int] | ?zoom=7 | Sets the viewport zoom on the map to the specified zoom level | | example | example-name["single" | "multiple" | "point" | "inside-outside"] | ?example=single | Specifies which example should be loaded in isolation. By default all examples are loaded | | shape | shape-name[circle | circleMarker | square] | ?shape=square | Sets a target shape. Only works for the example 'inside-out'
Note: If you are not familiar with query parameters, they are put at the end of the URL. The start is indicated by a '?' followed by a key value pair separated by an '='. Additional parameters can be added by separating them with an '&'. Example: https://localhost/index.html?zoom=7¢er=52.241,18.720
For ease of use the app also provides a small set an hotkeys which make the live a bit easier.
- [CTRL + Left Click] Copy coordinate of mouse cursor to clipboard
- [CTRL + SHIFT + Left Click] Appends the mouse cursor coordinate to the exixting clipboard