Leaflet plugin to visualise arbitrary network connectivity between spatial data points
ALPHA leaflet plugin to visualise (weighted) network connectivity between spatial data points.
It uses d3.js v4 to visualise the network connections on a L.SVG
There is an interactive notebook example here: https://beta.observablehq.com/@danwild/network-connectivity-template
Node connectivity weights can be represented:
- GLOBAL: node connection weights are scaled against all other connections in the matrix
/ downstreamdisplayMode
supported). - LOCAL: node connection weights are scaled to only the connections of the selected target.
- NONE: connection weights are ignored, simplified display.
This plugin only supports Leaflet ^v1.0.0.
install, build
- install:
npm install leaflet-network
- build:
Init plugin with map and data (see gh-pages branch for full demo):
// create a basemap
var canvas = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> © <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions">CartoDB</a>',
subdomains: 'abcd',
maxZoom: 19
// setup our leaflet map
var map = L.map('map', {
layers: [ canvas ],
center: L.latLng(-25, 134),
zoom: 5
// create a layer control so we can show/hide network layer
var layerControl = L.control.layers();
// init the network layer
var networkLayer = L.networkLayer({
// optional pane to add the layer, defaults to 'overlayPane'
// note that the elem must be tagged with a unique id
pane: {
name: 'myPane', // the leaflet pane name
elem: '<HTMLElement>'
// see expected data format below
data: data,
// One of:
// - SOURCE: visualise connections that are downstream from the target node
// - SINK: visualise connections that are upstream from the target node
// - ANY: visualise any connections related to the target node (useful if not concerned with SOURCE/SINKs)
// - BOTH: visualise connections that are upstream or downstream from the target node, differs to ANY as it
// keeps SOURCE/SINK weightings separate, whereas ANY is a simple merge
displayMode: 'SOURCE',
// domain is the min/max boundaries of values that will be used to fit data to the range scale, defaults to auto
// fit data (min, max-10%), often needs tweaking (depends on shape of your data)
// if this terminology is confusing you, see:
// https://javascript.tutorialhorizon.com/2015/01/17/d3-fundamentals-understanding-domain-range-and-scales-in-d3js/
globalScaleDomain: [0, 100],
// If provided, any data (weights) outside of the clipRange will be ignored
clipRange: [25, 75],
// How the connection weights should be scaled
// One of: ['GLOBAL', 'LOCAL', 'NONE']
weightMode: 'GLOBAL',
// the color scale to use to represent connection strengths
// note that when used with displayMode=BOTH, SOURCE/SINK connections will be
// displayed on independent scales (to unify scales, use displayMode=ANY).
colorScale: ["green", "yellow", "red"],
// color for connections when not scaled colors
// i.e. weightMode='NONE'
sourceColor: 'red',
sinkColor: 'green',
allColor: 'blue',
// styling options for node circles
nodeFillColor: 'red',
nodeRadius: 5,
nodeOpacity: 0.5,
// styling for connection lines
lineInactiveColor: 'grey',
lineOpacity: 0.8,
lineWidth: 2,
lineWidthActive: 2,
lineDashStyle: ("20, 3") // e.g. draw 20, dash 3. default null.
// whether to use arrows to show line direction,
// arrows derive their width and opacity from line
arrows: true,
arrowSpacing: 100, // pixel distance to space arrowheads (there will be at least always one)
// if set to false, lines will only be shown for active connections
// (not valid for weightMode: GLOBAL)
displayInactive: true, // default: true
// callback function for click event on node, receives target node
onClickNode: function(node){
// e.g. add clear selection button
// callback function for mouseenter event on node, receives target node
onMouseEnterNode: function(node){
// e.g. set a tooltip
// callback function for mouseleave event on node, receives target node
onMouseLeaveNode: function(node){
// e.g. remove a tooltip
// callback function for mouseenter event on line, receives dom elem
// which has some data attributes, e.g. weight, lat, long
onMouseEnterLine: function(elem){
// e.g. display elem.dataset.weight
// callback function for mouseleave event on line, receives dom elem
// which has some data attributes, e.g. weight, lat, long
onMouseLeaveLine: function(elem){
// e.g. hide weight
// add layer as an overlay
layerControl.addOverlay(networkLayer, 'Network Example');
public methods
||trigger a redraw of all elements using current target|
|data: {Object}
|update the layer with new data|
|options: {Object}
|update the layer with new options|
|id: {String}
|Set the active target node by id|
||Get ID of the active target node|
|mode: {String}
|one of: SOURCE
|id: {String}
|Get a node by id|
||Check if layer is active on the map|
||Returns leaflet LatLngBounds of the layer|
|clipped: {Boolean}
, Optional: data: {Object}
|Get the domain (min/max) of values in the data array (defaults to current)|
data format
var data = [
"properties": {
"lat": "",
"lon": "",
"id": "uid1"
"connections": {
"uid1": 233, // connection score to self, ignored
"uid2": 0, // null connection, could be omited
"uid2": 37 // defines a connection score of 37 with point uid2
shout outs
- Mike Bostock for d3.js
- d3noob for d3/leaflet/svg demo