A Leaflet plugin to make adding map layers easier. Users just need to describe their data with an array of JSON 'metadata' objects rather than adding each layer with redundant imperative code. Access to map layer references are available, so a user may st
A Leaflet plugin to make adding map layers easier. Users just need to describe their data with an array of JSON 'metadata' objects rather than adding each layer with redundant imperative code. Access to map layer references are available, so a user may still access full Leaflet layer methods and features. This project is definitely a work-in-progress and open to contributions.
This documentation is also a work-in-progress. The intention is to keep it current, but its likely already out of date. Please submit an issue or pull request if you notice any needed improvements!
Project setup
npm install leaflet
npm install
Lint, test, bundle (minification is a to do item still)
npm run build
Bundle only
npm run bundle
Run unit tests
npm run test
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Add the script to your file:
<script src="../dist/leafletDeclarativeLayers.js"></script>
(For now, first, you may need to run npm run build
to compile the leafletDeclarativeLayers.js
script. Eventually we will make the library available by other conventional means.)
Describe your data with a 'metadata' JSON object. Available properties described below in the Properties section.
// data to be added, in this case, geoJSON
const geojsonFeatureCollection = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
popupContent: '18th & California Light Rail Stop'
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [-115, 49.5]
// the 'metadata'. An array of JSON objects that describes the data to be added to the map.
const layerMetadata = [
id: 'tileLayer',
label: 'Tile Layer Example',
url: 'https://stamen-tiles.a.ssl.fastly.net/toner-lite/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
visibleInitially: true,
id: 'geoJsonLayer',
label: 'GeoJSON Layer Example',
data: geojsonFeatureCollection,
visibleInitially: true,
generateFeaturePopupContent: (feature) => {
return feature.properties.popupContent;
Initialize a Leaflet map, and then a new DeclarativeLayers instance
const map = new L.Map('map', { zoom: 8, center: new L.LatLng(49.5, -115)});
const basemap = new L.TileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {minZoom: 8, maxZoom: 12});
// initialize leaflet-declarative-layers with the map, and the metadata array
const declaredLayers = new L.DeclarativeLayers(map, layerMetadata);
One can access any of the layer references by the id used in the metadata
This means you can use it like you would any other Leaflet layer. For example:
|getLayerReferences()| Object
of references to Leaflet layers|Returns an Object
containing references to all of the Leaflet layers added via the DeclarativeLayers
class. Individual layers will be accessible by their id as specified in the metadata.
)| Leaflet layer reference for added layer|Adds a single layer to the map. A single metadata object parameter is required.|
|removeLayer(Leaflet layer reference
) |void
| Removes a layer from the map. The required Leaflet layer reference parameter can be obtained from the getLayerReference
method or via other Leaflet methods.
Currently Available Metadata Properties
Tile Layers (documentation to come)
Image Layers (documentation to come)
GeoJson Layers
|data|Required| A GeoJson
|options| Optional|A Leaflet GeoJsonOptions
object. See Leaflet documentation.|
)|Optional| A function to generate a Leaflet pop up window for each GeoJson feature in a layer when it is clicked. The single required parameter is a function that returns either a string
or HTML element
. E.g.: generateFeaturePopupContent: (feature) => { return feature.properties.popupContent;},
or generateFeaturePopupContent: () => { return 'I'm a string'},