Client-sided and dependency-free Javascript routing library
Table of Content
- Dynamic routing & URL generator
- Error handling
- Before and after router middleware
- Route mapping
- Browser & npm usage
A simple route
leafeon.add('default', '/', function () {
/* do something */
A simple route using parameter
leafeon.add('single_category', '/category/:id', function (id) {
console.log('You requested the category #' + id);
Register a callback when route is not found. It returns router object.
leafeon.setErrorCallback(function () {
throw new TypeError('I think there\'s a problem.');
Mapping routes using a route prefix
// This will create two routes under /docs prefix
leafeon.map('docs_', '/docs', [
name: 'intro', // will be registered as docs_intro
path: '/',
callback: () => { document.write('Hey! Welcome.') }
name: 'get_started',
path: '/get-started', // will be registered as /#/docs/get-started
callback: getStartedAction()
Install the package :
npm i leafeon --save
const leafeon = require('leafeon').Router();
// or using ES6
// import * as leafeon from 'leafeon';
// const router = leafeon.Router();
leafeon.add('home', '/', () => {
document.write('hello world');
- Include leafeon.js in or at the end of the
<script src="leafeon.min.js"></script>
<!-- or via jsdelivr CDN -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sundowndev/leafeon@latest/dist/leafeon.min.js"></script>
- Init the router
const leafeon = new leafeon.Router();
- Create some routes and run the router
.add('home', '/', () => { /* ... */ })
.add('contact', '/contact', () => { /* ... */ })
.setErrorCallback(() => { /* ... */ })
Browser support
Supports IE 11+, Chrome 43+, Opera 29+, and Firefox 41+
.add(name: string, path: string, callback: function)
Register a route. Use :
in path to create a parameter. It returns the router object.
.map(prefixName: string, prefixPath: string, routes: Array)
Register several routes using a prefix name and path. Routes must be an array of object that follows this schema :
name: string,
path: string,
callback: function
.fetchRoute(name: string[, parameters: object])
Fetch a registered route by name or path. For dynamic routes, It'll generate the path using given parameters.
leafeon.fetchRoute('home'); // or .fetchRoute('/');
// with parameters
leafeon.fetchRoute('/hello/:name', {name: 'Sundown'});
.route: object
Get the current route :
name: string,
path: string,
callback: function,
paramsEnabled: boolean,
params: array
.setErrorCallback(callback: function)
Set the not found exception. It returns the router object.
Example :
// overwrite the default not found exception
leafeon.setErrorCallback(function () {
document.write('Oh no! Page not found.');
Call the not found exception callback.
.before(path: string, callback: function)
Register a middleware that will be executed before given path. Type *
to target every routes. It returns the router object.
.run([callback: function])
Run the router with registered routes. Optionally, register a middleware that will be executed after every routes callback.
This repository is MIT licensed.
Icon made by Good Ware from Flaticon under CC 3.0 BY license.