git common commands the speed of light
Basic git commands fast alias generator
> npm install lazygit
| git command | lazygit command| | ------------- |-------------| | git init | gi | | git status | gst | | git branch -a | gbls | | git log | glog | | git pull | gpull | | git push | gpush | | git push --set-upstream origin DEV | gpushsu DEV | | git remote update | gup | | git stash save | gss | | git stash pop | gps | | git reset --hard ^HEAD | guncomm | | git add [PAR or *] | gadd {[PAR]} | | git reset HEAD -- [PAR or *] | gunst {[PAR]} | | git commit -m "mymsg_no_spaces" | gcomm {"mymsg_no_spaces"} | | git commit --amend -m "mymsg_no_spaces" | gamend {"my_msg_no_spaces"} | | git branch -b "brName" | gbr "brName" | | git branch -d "brName" | gbrdel"brName" | | git checkout "brName" | gco "brName" | | git checkout -- [PAR] | grev [PAR] | | git clone REF | gclone REF | | git remote add origin REF | gaddrem REF | | git tag -a TAGNAME | gtag TAGNAME | | git push --tags | gtagsup | | git push origin TAGNAME | gtagup TAGNAME | | git diff > PATCHFILE | gpatchc PATCHFILE | | git apply --stat PATCHFILE | gpatcha PATCHFILE | | git merge master | gmm |
If You have doubts about what the command execute just add a dash at the end:
$ gst-
gst: Alias for getting the status
gst <---> git status
What it does
For the moment it just works if You have a .bash_profile in your home.
It simply adds some aliases commands in a separate .bash_git file in Your HOME folder.
From the lazygit folder run:
$ node src/lazygit.js --uninstall
and then
$ cd .. && rm -rf lazygit