A tool, like a hammer, but for managing CSS. It's based on the Inverted Triangle Architecture
It was born with the idea that the user (dev) must have all the control of his tools.
If it's a tool, so it must have a function, or more than one. Like, you can use a screwdriver as a hammer if you want, can't you? So why you woulnd't be able to use LazIt as you want?
This is what it does, you make it what you want it to be, I'm just giving you a way to do it.
If you have any issues, just let me know.
If you want to buy me a coffe, just let me know.
If you want to conquer the word, just let me know.
If you have another other problem, just forget that I exist.
First, install Lazit as a dependency in your project using one of the following package managers:
npm install lazit-css
or pnpm add lazit-css
or yarn add lazit-css
Customization (Optional)
To tailor Lazit to your project's needs, you can create a lazit.conf.json
file in the root of your project. This JSON file lets you define various configuration options to customize the utility classes generated by Lazit.
The setup section contains the main configuration options for Lazit:
setup {
prefix: The prefix preceding utility classes (e.g., _dn for display utilities).
separator: The separator between the prefix and utility class (e.g., _d-n for display utilities).
defaultFontSize: The default font size.
rootVars: Define a list with all the CSS variables the user wants to be created. Supported values are `enabled: true`, `colors: true`, `spacements: true`
The settings section allows you to configure various settings for your utility classes:
breakpoints: Define responsive breakpoints for your project.
colors: Configure color-related settings, including custom colors and aliases.
spacing: Customize spacing values for margins and padding.
directions: Customize directions
{ enabled: Define if the projects needs or not reponsive classes separator: The separator between the utilities and the breakpoint (e.g., _dn@mobile for mobile screens) breakpoints: Define a list with breakpoint names and values (e.g., "mobile": "600px") }
{ enabled: Define if the projects needs or not colors configs includeHTMLColors: If its true, the lib will include all HTML colors, such as aquablue, cadetblue and etc colors: Define a list with colors names and values (e.g., "red": "#f44336"). Supports all types of CSS colors, such as Hex values, rgb, rgba, etc colorAlias: Define a list with the colors alia and its values (e.g., "primary": "red"). The value must be one colors configured in the "colors" section }
{ enabled: Define if the projects needs or not spacements configs defaultSpacingValue: Its the default spacing value, when nothing more is specified, this value will be used spacements: Define a list with the spacements names and values (e.g, "small": "0.25"). The value must be a decimal. }
{ enabled: Define if the projects needs or not spacements configs directions: The directions that will be used to create the classes customDirections: Define custom directions, that can be a combination of normal directions }
The utilities section is where you define the utility classes you want to generate:
enabled: If you want the utilities to be created
utilities: { The list with all the utilities configs, for now, just the options listed here can be used
display: Configure display utilities
position: Configure position utilities
cursor: Configure cursor utilities
textAlign: Configure text alignment utilities
textColor: Configure textColor utilities
backgroundColor: Configure backgroundColor utilities
padding: Configure padding utilities
margin: Configure margin utilities
display, position, cursor and textAlign
{ enabled: Define if the utility is enabled initial: Define the initial of the utility (e.g., d for display generated _dn for display none) rules: Define a list with the rules names and values (e.g., "n": "none"). The values must be existents css properties values }
textColor and backgroundColor
{ enabled: Define if the projects needs or not reponsive classes initial: Define the initial of the utility }
padding and margin
{ enabled: Define if the projects needs or not reponsive classes initial: Define the initial of the utility measureUnit: Define the measure unit of the utility, if the measure defined here is inexistent, pixel will be used as a fallback useDirections: Define if the classes must use the directions (e.g.: _mt for margin top) }
"setup": {
"prefix": "",
"separator": "-",
"defaultFontSize": "16px",
"rootVars": {
"enabled": true,
"colors": true,
"spacements": true
"settings": {
"breakpoints": {
"enabled": true,
"breakpoints": {
"mobile": "600px"
"separator": "@"
"colors": {
"enabled": true,
"includeHTMLColors": true,
"colors": {
"red": "#f00",
"blue": "#00f"
"colorAlias": {
"primary": "red"
"spacing": {
"enabled": true,
"defaultSpacingValue": "8px",
"spacements": {
"small": "0.25"
"utilities": {
"enabled": true,
"utilities": {
"display": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "",
"rules": {
"n": "none"
"position": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "",
"rules": {
"r": "relative"
"cursor": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "",
"rules": {
"p": "pointer"
"textColor": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "c",
"backgroundColor": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "bg",
"padding": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "p",
"measureUnit": "px"
"margin": {
"enabled": true,
"initial": "m",
"measureUnit": "px"
The default config file can be accessed here
Generating Utility Classes
Once Lazit is installed and, optionally, your lazit.conf.json
is configured, you can generate utility classes using the following command:
npx lazit-css
This command will generate utility classes based on your configuration and save them to a CSS file.
Importing Lazit
To use the utility classes in your project, import Lazit as follows:
import 'lazit-css';