Plugin engine for 'Layered-themes'.
3Devices engine for "Layered-themes"
Theme engine provides 3 devices set of CSS rules (mobile, tablet, and desktop).
- 0px - mobile (500px) - hq (1000px)
| | |
o --------------------- o -------------------------- o --------------------
| | |
mobile theme tablet theme desktop theme
You can change borders, themes, folder names and media queries ruls. 3Devices engine is controlled by config file.
Make sure that 'Layered Themes' framework is already installed. If not install it by:
npm install grunt-layered-themes --save-dev
Install 3Devices theme engine:
npm install layered-themes-3devices --save-dev
Make sure that 'Layered Themes' framework is accessible in 'gruntfile.js':
Add grunt configuration lines:
layered_themes : {
task : {
options : {
configFile : '_config.json'
, src : 'css-dev'
, target : 'css'
} ,
- src: your development folder. Contain all CSS theme folders;
- target: framework will write result in this folder
- configFile: path to specific engine configuration file. Engine name, resolutions and theme organization are set into it.
Configuration file is simple 'json' file and here is the minimal content needed:
"engine" : "layered_themes_3devices"
, "resolution" : {
"mobile" : "500"
, "hq" : "1000"
, "themes" : {
"default" : "desk"
Engine attribute contains name of the theme engine or link to your custom engine file. Installation complete!
Note: The example files will have '.css' extension but could be whatever other CSS preprocessor related ones. ( less, scss , sass, stly, other )
Provide folder with your themes. In our example case it will be css-dev folder. Content of 'css-dev' looks like this:
|- other|
| |-other.css
|- mini |
| |-maxi.css
| |-mini-something.css
|- mid |
| |-maxi.css
| |-maxi-touch.css
|- maxi |
Three themes - mini, mid, and maxi. If theme default is 'maxi' then we have 2 keys: main,contact.
Result folder will look like this:
| |-main.css
| |-main.css
Mobile target folder will contain our only mobile rules. All rules related to tablets and desktop are completly ignored. No media queries applied.
Tablet folder will have same content as mobile if they are using same theme. Otherwise media query (MQ) will separate mobile and tablet rules. From 0 to 'mobile' for 'mobile' rules and from 'mobile' to infinity for 'tablet' rules. Desktop rules are not available in this folder.
Desktop target will have same content as mobile if all three devices are using same theme.
- If desktop and tablet are using same theme, then we will have MQ from 0 to 'mobile' resolution border for mobile rules and MQ from mobile border to infinity for all other rules;
- If tablet and mobile are using same theme: MQ for 0 to HQ border for mobile theme and MQ from HQ to infinity for desktop rules;
- If mobile, tablet and desktop use different themes then MQ from 0 to mobile resolution border will contain mobile rules, MQ from mobile to HQ will contain tablet rules, and MQ from HQ to infinity will contain desktop rules.
Configuration file
Simple 'JSON' file as in the example above.
All theme engine settings are provided by configuration file. Here is the list of all options provided:
"engine" : "layered_themes_3devices"
, "resolution" : {
"mobile" : "500"
, "hq" : "1000"
, "folders" : [ "mob", "tab", "desk" ]
, "themes" : {
"default" : "desk"
, "tablet" : "mini"
, "mobile" : "mini"
, "expand" : {}
, "include" : {}
, "extra" : {}
###Engine (required) This field is required. It provides theme engine to the framework.
Resolution ( required)
Define media queries (MQ) in our result files. Mobile devices will work from 0 to 500px. Tablets are between 501px and 1000px. Desktop devices are above 1001px. Change them according your specific design needs.
Folders (optional)
Rename folders in your target folder by setting 'folders'. It's array of 3 strings. First for mobile rules, second - tablet rules, third - desktop. Folders have default values of
Themes (required)
Only "themes.default" is required actually. Default theme is responsible for keys and adds information where is not set.
"themes" : { "default" : "desk" }
Provides for all devices 'desk' theme.
** Mobile and [ Tablet, Desk] **
"themes" : {
"default" : "desk"
,"mobile" : "mini"
Mobile devices will use theme 'mini'. Tablet and desktop are not set. They will use theme 'default'. In this case it's 'desk'.
** Mobile , Tablet, and Desktop **
"themes" : {
"default" : "desk"
,"tablet" : "mid"
,"mobile" : "mini"
Mobile devices will use theme 'mini'. Tablet will use 'mid' theme. Desktop will use theme 'desk' because 'desk' is default.
** [Mobile,Tablet] and Desktop **
"themes" : {
"default" : "desk"
,"tablet" : "mini"
,"mobile" : "mini"
Mobile devices and tablets will use theme 'mini'. Desktop will use 'desk'.
expand (optional)
Remember how themes works? In desktop version mobile rules are closed between 0px and mobile(500px). Do you want to make this rules available to other themes?
- 0px - mobile (500px) - hq (1000px)
| | |
o --------------------- o -------------------------- o --------------------
| | |
mobile theme tablet theme desktop theme
It's possible by using extend option.
"extend" : { "mobile" : 1 }
- before extend mobile MQ : 0-mobile(500px);
- after extend mobile MQ : 0-hq(1000px);
Other example:
"extend" : { "mobile" : 2 }
- before - 0-mobile(500px);
- after - no MQ for these rules;
Let's see other situation :
"extend" : { "mobile" : 1 , "tablet" : 1 }
- Mobile rules are available to tablet. MQ interval 0 - hq(1000px);
- Tablet rules are available to desktop. MQ interval mobile(500px) - infinity;
What if we have rules from desktop version and on some reason we want to make them available to all other devices. It's not a good practice but sometimes happen. You can do it by:
"extend" : { "desktop" : 0 }
Let's summarize: Extend with N mean to add N MQ intervals to your standard MQ. If number is higher then available intervals mean that rules are available to all intervals above. To remove the MQ extend with 0 (zero).
include (optional)
Include files or libraries per device type.
"include" : {
"default" : ["everywhere.less, more.less"]
, "tablet" : ["allTabletFiles.less"]
, "desktop": ["deskOnly.less"]
Default will import content to all type of devices. Include this files in all files available. Tablet will include content only for tablet devices. Desktop files will include "deskOnly.less" file.
extra (optional)
Include in device,key. Example:
"extra" : {
"default,main" : ["mainEverywhere.less"]
, "desktop,main" : ["onlyMainInDesktop.less", "oneMore.less"]
- First will add to all devices, main key - "@import mainEverywhere.less"
- Second will add to "desktop", main key - "@import onlyMainDesktop.less" and "@import oneMore.less"