Recently most members of my Discord server have been banned from it. All bans have been removed but we obvouisly can't track you all down and shove invite links at you. So, feel free to re-join the server: [](https://d
version Fr Du Vrais Module
A Little Notice:
Recently most members of my Discord server have been banned from it. All bans have been removed but we obvouisly can't track you all down and shove invite links at you. So, feel free to re-join the server:
Discord MusicBot Addon
This module is a simple Node.js based music extension/bot for Discord.js projects using YouTube. This was originally an update of an older addon for newer versions of Discord.js but not serves as it's own module.
The commands available are: (default names)
musichelp [command]
: Displays help text for commands by this addon, or help for a specific <url>|<search string>
: Play audio from <search string>
: Search's for up to 10 videos from YT.skip [number]
: Skip a song or multi songs with skip [some number].queue [position]
: Display the current queue.pause
: Pause music playback.resume
: Resume music playback.remove [position]
: Remove a song from the queue by position.volume
: Adjust the playback volume between 1 and 200.leave
: Clears the song queue and leaves the channel.clearqueue
: Clears the song
: Show the current playing song.
- If
is true, anyone can skip songs in the queue. - If
is true, anyone can adjust the volume. - If
is true, the set ID of the user (ownerID
) will over-ride permissions from the bot.
npm install discord.js
It is recommended to have the stable branch.ffmpeg installed
correctly for your OS/env.
Allows the bot to join voice as well as speak.npm install node-opus
ornpm install opusscript
Required for voice. Discord.js prefers node-opus.
npm install discord.js-musicbot-addon
If you have troubles installing, see this link or join the discord server. Note that the NPM version will be slightly behind the GitHub version.
See this page on the repo for examples.
Options & Config.
Most options are optional and thus not needed.
The options you can pass in music.start(client, {options})
and their types is as followed:
Basic Options.
| Option | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| youtubeKey | String | A YouTube Data API3 key. Required to run. | NaN |
| botPrefix | String | The prefix of the bot. Defaults to "!". Can also be a Map of prefix's. | ! |
| messageNewSong | Boolean | Whether or not to send a message when a new song starts playing. | true |
| bigPicture | Boolean | Whether to use a large (true) image or small (false) for embeds. | false |
| maxQueueSize | Number | Max queue size allowed. Defaults 100. Set to 0 for unlimited. | 50 |
| defVolume | Number | The default volume of music. 1 - 200. | 50 |
| anyoneCanSkip | Boolean | Whether or not anyone can skip. | false |
| messageHelp | Boolean | Whether to message the user on help command usage. If it can't, it will send it in the channel like normal. | false |
| botAdmins | Object/Array | An array of Discord user ID's to be admins as the bot. They will ignore permissions for the bot. | [ ] |
| anyoneCanAdjust | Boolean | Whether anyone can adjust volume. | false |
| ownerOverMember | Boolean | Whether the owner over-rides CanAdjust
and CanSkip
. | false |
| anyoneCanLeave | Boolean | Whether anyone can make the bot leave the currently connected channel. | false |
| ownerID | String | The ID of the Discord user to be seen as the owner. Required if using ownerOverMember
. | NaN |
| logging | Boolean | Some extra none needed logging (such as caught errors that didn't crash the bot, etc). | true |
| requesterName | Boolean | Whether or not to display the username of the song requester. | true |
| inlineEmbeds | Boolean | Whether or not to make embed fields inline (help command and some fields are excluded). | false |
| musicPresence | Boolean | Whether or not to make the bot set its presence to currently playing music. | false |
| clearPresence | Boolean | Whether or not to clear the presence instead of setting it to "nothing" | false |
| insertMusic | Boolean | Whether or not to insert the music bot data into <Client>.music
on start. | false |
| channelWhitelist | Object/Array | Sets a list of ID's allow when running messages. | [ ] |
| channelBlacklist | Object/Array | Sets a list of ID's ignore when running messages. | [ ] |
| bitRate | String | Sets the preferred bitRate for the Discord.js stream to use. | "120000" |
| nextPresence | PresenceData | PresenceData to set after instead of clearing it (clearPresence). | null |
Multi-Prefix Option Example
<Music>.start(<Client>, {
youtubeKey: "Data Key",
botPrefix: <MapObject>
// Exmaple Map Structure
{serverID: { prefix: "!" } }
See examples for more info.
| Option | Type | Description | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| cooldown | Object | The main cooldown object | |
| cooldown.enabled | Boolean | Whether or not cooldowns are enabled. | true |
| cooldown.timer | Number | Time in MS that cooldowns last. | 10000 |
| cooldown.exclude | Object/Array | Array of command names to exclude. Uses default names, not set names | ["volume","queue","pause","resume","np"] |
Command Options.
Commands pass a bit different. Each command follows the same format as below. Valid entries are play
, remove
, help
, np
, queue
, volume
, pause
, resume
, skip
, clearqueue
, loop
, leave
, shuffle
, deletequeue
music.start(client, {
<command>: {
enabled: false, // True/False statement.
alt: ["name1","name2","name3"], // Array of alt names (aliases).
help: "Help text.", // String of help text.
name: "play" // Name of the command.
usage: "{{prefix}}play bad memes", // Usage text. {{prefix}} will insert the bots prefix.
exclude: false // Excludes the command from the help command.