a socket message server
A small json rest api and websocket server with the main purpose of distributing messages to websocket listerners.
npm i larvitlog;
As part of another program
In your start script file, run this:
const Logger = require('larvitlog');
const logger = new Logger({
port: 80,
fileStoragePath: '/tmp/files',
intercom, // Instance of larvitamintercom that is used for broadcasting of log messages
log // Logging object. Will default to a simple console logger if not provided
await logger.start();
console.log('Is up and running');
Logging stuff
To send a message that will be broadcast to listening clients post json in the following format to http://address:port/broadcastMessage
"message": "this is the message", // the only mandatory field,
"emitType": "message", // optional, if only want to broadcast to certain listeners. Will default to "message" if left out
"metadata": {} // a json object containing what ever. Will be broadcast to clienents.
Reading the backlog
It is possible to request allready logged messages from the server. Send a GET request to http://address:port/getMessages and an array of message objects like the example above will be returned.
URL query parameters limit and level can be specified to filter messages, for instance http://address:port/getMessages?limit=100&level=error&level=warn
Road map
Upcomming features
- Get messages by date
- Broadcast messages via rabbit mq