Database wrapper for pg (PostgreSQL)
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= Database wrapper for pg (PostgreSQL)
Database wrapper for the pg npm package. Use this to add:
- Logging
- Compatible API to larvitdbmigration for database migrations
- Great glory
== Installation
npm i larvitdb-pg
== Usage
=== Initialization
import { Db } from 'larvitdb-pg';
// All parameters are optional
const db = new Db({ log: log, // Logging object. Will default to a simple console logger if not provided host: '', // Hostname of the server to connect to, can also be a socket, like this: '/cloudsql/myproject:zone:mydb' port: 3211, // Port, ignored if host is a socket user: 'dbuser', // Database account username password: 'secretpassword', // Database account password database: 'mydb', // Database name within the database server });
// OR
const db = new Db({ log: log, connectionString: 'postgresql://dbuser:[email protected]:3211/mydb', });
=== Querying
==== Simple query
A direct query to any connection in the pool
const dbRes = await db.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution'); console.log('solution is: ' + dbRes.rows[0].solution); // 2 console.log('All fields: ' + dbRes.fields); // ['solution']
==== Simple query to specific connection
For example if you want to lock tables and run multiple queries on the samme connection.
const dbCon = await db.getConnection(); const sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE ' + dbCon.escape(dataToBeEscaped); const dbRes = await dbCon.query(sql); dbCon.release(); // Always release your connection when the query is done
==== Escape data
Either you use a database connection as in the example above, or you do like this:
const firstName = 'Bosse'; const lastName = 'Nilsson'; const dbRes = await db.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE firstname = $1 AND lastname = $2', [firstName, lastName]);
=== Check if database connection is ready
To see when the database connection is ready to recieve commands. Will automatically connect if that is not done already.
await db.ready(); console.log('ready');
However, a query can be ran before ready(), it will wait until the database connection is ready.
== Custom functions
Remove all tables from current database
This function will clean the current database from all tables, in the public schema, by removing and then recreating it.
await db.resetSchema('public');
== Version history
=== v1.0.0
- Changed behaviour of getConnection and added getPool
- Added logging for individual connection queries
=== v0.5.1
- Added option to not log errors on queries
=== v0.5
- Added resetSchema() method, that effectively removes all tables (and of course their data)
=== v0.4
- Added null as dbfield accepted type
- Added more logging
- All dependencies up to date
=== v0.2
- Added support for getting a single connection from a pool
=== v0.1
- Initial release