Example JSON payloads for AWS Lambda.
AWS Lambda sample events
This is a library of sample event payloads for AWS Lambda.
They're the same ones that you will find as templates for test events in the AWS Lambda console, but putting them in this repo might make them slightly easier to access.
Browse the list of JSON files below, or use them NPM package to use them directly in your tests:
npm install -D lambda-sample-events
const events = require('lambda-sample-events');
const myPayload = events['s3-put'];
Events list
- API Gateway AWS Proxy
- API Gateway Authorizer
- AppSync
- Batch Get Job
- Batch Submit Job
- CloudFormation Create Request
- CloudFront A/B Test
- CloudFront Access Request in Response
- CloudFront HTTP Redirect
- CloudFront Modify QueryString
- CloudFront Modify Response Header
- CloudFront Multiple Remote Calls Aggregate Response
- CloudFront Normalize Querystring
- CloudFront Redirect Unauthenticated Users
- CloudFront Redirect on Viewer Country
- CloudFront Response Generation
- CloudFront Serve Object on Viewer Device
- CloudFront Simple Remote Call
- CloudWatch
- Cloudwatch Logs
- CodeCommit Repository
- CodePipeline Job
- Cognito Sync Trigger
- Config Configuration Item Change Notification
- Config Oversized Configuration Item Change Notification
- Config Periodic Rule
- Connect Contact Flow
- DynamoDB Update
- DynamoDB Update
- Kinesis Data Analytics Compressed
- Kinesis Data Analytics DynamoDB
- Kinesis Data Analytics KPL
- Kinesis Data Analytics
- Kinesis Data Firehose Apachelog
- Kinesis Data Firehose Cloudwatch Logs Processor
- Kinesis Data Firehose Streams as Source
- Kinesis Data Firehose Syslog
- Kinesis Data Firehose
- Kinesis Data Stream
- Rekognition S3 Request
- S3 Delete
- S3 Put
- SES Email Receiving
- SNS Topic Notification
- SageMaker Ground Truth AnnotationConsolidation
- SageMaker Ground Truth PreHumanTask
- StepFunctions Error