write your lambda handlers as promises which get event, context a custom payload and the cb, use promises as middleware, by default last promise's return value in chain resolves to api gateway json response
write your lambda handlers as promises, use promises as middleware, last promise in chain resolves to response
'use strict';
// the following line is optional but recommended
global.Promise = require('bluebird'); // bluebird comes with lambda-promise-handler
const lambdaPromiseHandler = require('lambda-promise-handler');
const connector = lambdaPromiseHandler({
before(event, context, payload) {
// do something before the connector's promises are getting executed
// eg. open mongoose connection
after(results, event, context, payload) {
// do something after the connector's promises were executed
// this happens before success/error
// eg. close mongoose connection
success(results, event, context, payload) {
// create a json response for the http/s clients response
return results.pop();
error(err, event, context, payload) {
// do something with the error object before its getting sent to the http/s clients response
const errorResponse = err;
const errorMessage = err.message;
// if no error code found between brackets, use [500] as a default
if (!errorMessage.match(/\[(.*?)\]/)) errorResponse.message = `[500] ${errorMessage}`;
return errorResponse;
module.exports.createUser = connector((event, context, payload) => {
// logic to create a user in your database
// you can add key/values to the event, context and payload, they will appear in the next promise this connector runs
// but to keep the foundation clean, we recommend using the payload to move state to the next promise
payload.a = 1;
}, (event, context, payload) => {
// the payload contains the key a with value 1 already, so we now make the http/s client response containing just the number 2
return payload.a + 1;
npm scripts
$ npm test
# just runs the tests
$ npm run watch
# runs the tests in watch mode, changing tests or module code re-runs the tests
$ npm run coverage
# creats an instructed build of the modules script and runs it through mocha, generates a html report
$ npm run report
# opens the html report in your default browser