A selection of the finest modules supporting authorization, API routing, error handling, logging and sending HTTP requests.
A selection of the finest modules supporting authorization, API routing, error handling, logging and sending HTTP requests.
Using this library
Install the library.
yarn add lambda-essentials-ts
Logger which takes care of truncating Bearer tokens, safe JSON stringification, and converts errors to json objects.
import { Logger } from 'lambda-essentials-ts';
const defaultConfiguration = { logFunction: console.log, jsonSpace: 2 };
let logger = new Logger(defaultConfiguration);
logger.log({ title: 'Message title', level: 'WARN', error: 'Error' });
OpenApi wrapper
A wrapper around Open API factory with logging and error handling.
import { OpenApiWrapper } from 'lambda-essentials-ts';
const { api, getUserPrincipal, getRequestId, getUserToken } = new OpenApiWrapper(requestLogger);
api.get('/livecheck', () => {
statusCode: 200;
api.any('/{proxy+}', () => {
statusCode: 404;
export const lambdaHandler = api.handler;
import { HttpClient, HttpLogType, Logger } from 'lambda-essentials-ts';
let logger = new Logger();
let httpClient = new HttpClient({
logFunction: (msg) => logger.log(msg),
logOptions: { enabledLogs: [HttpLogType.requests] },
tokenResolver: () => Promise.resolve('exampleAccessToken'),
enableRetry: true,
retryOptions: {
retry: 3,
statusCodesToRetry: [
[100, 199],
[429, 429],
[500, 599],
enableCache: true,
cacheOptions: {
maxAge: 5 * 60 * 1000,
readOnError: true,
exclude: {
query: false, // also cache requests with query parameters
timeout: 1000
let headers = {};
let data = { exampleProperty: 'exampleValue' };
let getResponse = await httpClient.get('VALID_URL', { headers });
let postResponse = await'VALID_URL', data, { headers });
let putResponse = await httpClient.put('VALID_URL', data, { headers });
If you wish to override the axios defaults and/or add your own interceptors, provide an axios instance in the configuration object.
import axios from 'axios';
let axiosClient = axios.create({ timeout: 3000 });
new HttpClient({ client: axiosClient });
It uses AWS Secrets Manager to retrieve the client ID and secret and then calls the specified token endpoint the retrieve JWT.
CloudFormation to create a secret. Also allow the lambda function to access the secret by attaching AWSSecretsManagerGetSecretValuePolicy
IAM Policy.
Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret
Description: 'Auth0 Client ID/Secret'
SecretStringTemplate: '{"Auth0ClientID": "client_id", "Auth0ClientSecret": "client_secret"}'
GenerateStringKey: 'Auth0ClientSecret'
import {
} from 'lambda-essentials-ts';
const configuration: SecretsManagerTokenConfiguration = {
clientSecretId: 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:<aws_account_id>:secret:<secret_id>',
audience: '',
tokenEndpoint: '',
const secretsManagerClient = new aws.SecretsManager({ region: 'eu-west-1' });
const tokenProvider = new SecretsManagerTokenProvider({
secretsManagerClient: secretsManagerClient,
tokenConfiguration: configuration,
// recommended way to retrieve token (utilizes caching and takes care of token expiration)
const accessToken = await tokenProvider.getToken();
// or bypass caching and get a new fresh token
const freshAccessToken = await tokenProvider.getTokenWithoutCache();
It uses AWS KMS to decrypt the client secret and then calls the specified token endpoint the retrieve JWT.
import { KmsTokenProvider, KmsTokenConfiguration } from 'lambda-essentials-ts';
const configuration: KmsTokenConfiguration = {
clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
encryptedClientSecret: 'BASE64_KMS_ENCRYPTED_CLIENT_SECRET',
audience: '',
tokenEndpoint: '',
const kmsClient = new aws.KMS({ region: 'eu-west-1' });
const tokenProvider = new KmsTokenProvider({
kmsClient: kmsClient,
tokenConfiguration: configuration,
// recommended way to retrieve token (utilizes caching and takes care of token expiration)
const accessToken = await tokenProvider.getToken();
// or bypass caching and get a new fresh token
const freshAccessToken = await tokenProvider.getTokenWithoutCache();
Custom error models.
import { ClientException } from 'lambda-essentials-ts';
throw new ClientException('My Test Service');
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