Create & mantain easily Google Cloud Functiosn and/or AWS Lambdas.
Create and maintain your AWS Lambdas or Google Cloud Functions functions easily with LAMBD!
How to install
npm i -S lambd
Getting started
How does I select platform?
const Lambd = require('lambd');
const { Platforms } = Lambd;
const myLambdaFunction = ({ request, response }) => {
// Here your lambda code
response.json({ ok: true, userid: request.params.userid });
// AWS Lambdas by default:
// Lambd.create()
// Google Cloud Functions
// Lambd.createFunctions()
// Otherwise
// You can use Platform enum object and select platform
module.exports.myFunction = Lambd.platform(Platforms.GCLOUD).get('/:userid', myLambdaFunction).getHandler();
// This allows you make compatible all your lambdas between AWS and GCLOUD Functions platforms only you must change platform on code.
Simply example
const Lambd = require('lambd');
const myLambdaFunction = ({ response }) => {
// Here your functions code
response.json({ ok: true });
module.exports.handler = Lambd.createFunctions().get(myLambdaFunction).getHandler();
### API example
const Lambd = require('lambd');
const myLambda = Lambd.create();
// Middlewares
const authMiddleware = (next) => (options) => {
const { request, response } = options;
const { auth } = request;
if (auth && auth === 'esto_es_una_prueba') {
} else {
response.status(403).error('not authorized');
const mongoMiddleware = (next) => (options) => {
const { response } = options;
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/myproject';
MongoClient.connect(url, (err, db) => {
if (err) {
return response.error(err);
options.db = db;
return next(options);
// Route: /users/:userid
const handler = myLamba
.get(({ request, db }) => UserService(db).findById(request.params.userid))
.put('/:userid', ({ request, db }) => UserService(db).findByIdAndUpdate(request.params.userid, request.body))
.delete(':userid', ({ request, db }) => UserService(db).findByIdAndDelete(request.params.userid))
module.exports.handler = handler;
Advanced example
LAMBD allows you use middlewares to add power to your lambda function.
const Lambd = require('lambd');
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const myLambdaFunction = ({ response, db }) => {
// Here your lambda code
db.collection('users').find({}).toArray((err, users) => {
if (err) {
return response.error(err);
return response.json({ ok: true, users });
const mongoMiddleware = (next) => (options) => {
const { response } = options;
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/myproject';
MongoClient.connect(url, (err, db) => {
if (err) {
return response.error(err);
options.db = db;
return next(options);
// Global Middleware
// Lambd.use(mongoMiddleware);
// Lambda Middleware
const myLambda = Lambd.create();
// Set headers to all lambdas
// Lambd.set('MyFirstHeader', 'value');
// Lambd.set({ 'MySecondHeader': 'value2', 'MyThirdHeader': 'value3' });
// Lambda header
myLambda.set('MyFirstHeader', 'value');
myLambda.set({ 'MySecondHeader': 'value2', 'MyThirdHeader': 'value3' });
module.exports.handler = myLambda.get(myLambdaFunction).getHandler();