Describe laive here
Laive is the platform to broadcast a live streaming into Living Apps. The main goal is to generate the necessary keys to broadcast to a rtmp and build a hls stream to consum.
To use laive in your Living App you need to have a credentials to connect (To get more info contact us).
Events data model
The events are the data piece needed to schedule a live streaming into Laive.
event: {
background: urlImage,
ended: bool,
hls: urlHls, // not abailable if the event !isPublic
isPublic: bool, // false: the user need validate a ticker to get the hls url
startAt: Date,
thumbnail: urlImage,
title: string,
status: 'idle' // idle, live, ended
Laive service
Singleton service to consume lives into your Living App.
import { Laive } from 'laive'
const laiveService = Laive()
// get the events that are in live
// An event is consider in live 30 mins before start (event.startAt)
laiveService.getLiveEvents({ appName: 'testing' }).then(({ events }) => {
// used to validate tickets, use it to get the hls url with ticketing events
appName: 'testing',
eventId: 'event123',
ticket: '123456',
adminCode: 'codeXXX'
}).then(({ valid, hls: data.hls }) => {
// valid truo | false
// hls url to consume the video
// this method is to count a user as viewer
appName: 'testing',
eventId: 'event123'
// Cancel the previus presence
// get the total amount of users are viewing the live
const countUsers = laiveService.countUsers({ appName: 'testing', eventId: 'event123' })
To use laive service as singleton into react.
import react, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useLaive } from 'laive'
// SplashScreen.js
export const SplashScreen = () => {
const { initLaiveService } = useLaive()
useEffect(() => {
// execute it oly one time into the app
// then you will be able use the service in this screen or other one
}, [])
return ...
// LandingScreen.js
export const LandingScreen = () => {
const { laiveService } = useLaive()
useEffect(() => {
// use any laiveService method
laiveService.countUsers({ appName: 'testing', eventId: 'event123' })
}, [])
return ...
Service used to manage (create, edit, delete) events.
import { BackOffice } from 'laive'
const backOfficeService = BackOffice({ FIREBASE_APP_NAME: 'living_app_name' })
backOfficeService.login({ email: '[email protected]', password: '123456' }).then(user => {
backOfficeService.createEvent({ backgroundFile, thumbnailFile, ...EventModel }).then(() => ...)
// backgroundFile and thumbnailFile are optional
backOfficeService.updateEvent = async ({ eventId, backgroundFile, thumbnailFile, ...EventModel }).then(() => ...)
backOfficeService.getEvent({ eventId }).then(event => ...)
// forceRecreate -> If the event has already create tickets use it to force recreate them
backOfficeService.setTicketingEvent({ eventId, length = 10, forceRecreate = false })
backOfficeService.getEventTickets({ eventId })