A Library for scoring IGC files in accordance with BGA Ladder rules, with the addition of Windicapping
A Library for scoring IGC files in accordance with BGA Ladder rules, with the addition of Windicapping
The Scoring rules used are defined in the IScoringConfig interface, an instance of which must be passed to the scoreFlight function
npm install --save ladderscoring
yarn add ladderscoring
Include the module in your project:
import { TaskModel, assessFlight, AssessIGCResult, scoreFlight, ScoreIGCResult, IWind, .... } from 'ladderscoring';
To user Turbo87 for igc-parser
IGCFile See igc-parser
- The result of running an assessment on an IGCFile
interface AssessIGCResult { flightDate: Date | null; loggerFlightDate: Date | null; flightLoaded: boolean, taskCompleted: boolean, legScoringDistance: number[], // this is per leg.... totalScoringDistance: number; speed: number, gpsLandout: boolean, landoutPosition: ITurnPoint | null; usedTPs: ITaskTP[], missingTPs: ITaskTP[], TPTimes: string[], StartTime: string | undefined, FinishTime: string | undefined, LandingTime: string | undefined, secondPilot: string |null , gliderReg: string, gliderType: string | null timeTaken: number; heightLoss: number; assessment: AssessmentResult | null, flightException: boolean, errorArray: string[], }
interface IScoringConfig { CompetitionID: number; // The ID of competition for which this config applies. Not used by this module DistancePoints: number; // points/handicapped km. Default 5 SpeedPoints: number; // Points/handicapped kph. Default .05 MinimumSpeed: number; // minimum handicapped speed to get speed points. Default 50 CompletionFactor: number; // multiplier if task completed. Default 1.1 UseTaskDistance: boolean; // Use Task or Sector Distance. In calculating performance, whether to use distances between task points or to reducce leg distances by the configured sector sizes UseMinDistance: boolean; // if true, handicapped distance must be greater than glider handicap to get speed points CompleteForSpeed: boolean; // if true, task must be completed to get Speed Points }
interface ScoreIGCResult { taskDistance: number; // the basic task distance hcDistance: number; // the distance after windicapping was applied scoreDistance: number; // the scoring distance (=hcDistance if completed) completed: boolean; taskTime: number; // time on task in seconds hcSpeed: number; // handicapped speed over the task distancePoints: number; // using the Scoring Rules. speedPoints: number; totalPoints: number; errors: string[]; }
IWind: used to set the Contest wind for windicapping. Leave undefined for no windicapping
{ windstrength: number; // in knots winddirection: number; // in degrees true }
- Definition of a turnpoint in a Task
ITaskPoint { title: string; // eg 'Start', 'Finish'... TP: ITurnPoint | null; // the actual Turnpoint sector: Sector; // the Sector definition used at this point legDistance: number | undefined; // distance from the previous selected TP, without adj for sector sectorDistance: number|undefined; // adjusted for sector size... }
Definition of a Turnpoint. The interface defines all the properties used by a BGA Ladder Turnpoint, but the only ones used by this library are
ITurnPoint { Trigraph: string; Name: string; Latitude: number; Longitude: number; }
TaskModel - defines the task against which the flight will be assessed. You should create a TaskModel then pass it to the assessFlight and scoreFlight APIs
- Properties
CompetitionID?: number; The ID of the competion in which this task is used (see ladderscoringweb) TaskID?: string | number; Unique ID for this task TaskDate?: string; Date of this task in ISO (YYYY-MM-DD) form turnpoints: ITaskPoint[]; Array of points for this task, in order Title: string = ''; A name for this task SubTaskOf?: string | number; which larger task this one is derived from, or zero
Sector - defines a sector as used in the Taskmodel. Create with
sector = new Sector( radius1: number = 0.5, angle1: number =180, radius2: number=20, angle2: number=90, line: boolean=false )
Angles in degrees, distances in km.
loadFlight (flt: string | string[]):IGCParser.IGCFile
Takes an IGC file as either a single string or as an array of lines and parses it into an IGCFile object.
assessFlight = async (igcflight: IGCParser.IGCFile, task:TaskModel): Promise<AssessIGCResult>
Takes an IGCFile object and assesses it against a TaskModel, producing an AssessIGCResult with the results of the analysis.
scoreFlight = async (task: TaskModel, assessment: AssessIGCResult, wind: IWind, gliderHandicap: number, config: IScoringConfig): Promise<ScoreIGCResult>
Takes an AssessIGCResult and scores it against the given TaskModel, applying windicapping as appropriate. Set the wind strength to zero for no windicapping.