Replaces unique data like a slug for an ObjectId
Mongoose ensure object ids
Cleans up an object so that all properties that were defined as being a ref in the schema hold a valid ObjectId instead of the provided value.
Let's assume this is your schema:
title: String,
tags: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'tag'
If your GET routes use mongoose populate this is the objects your users will see:
"_id": "5583e7eb4e6c66874b90ff70"
"title": "test document"
"tags": [
"_id": "5583e7eb4e6c66874b90ff71"
"name": "my test tag",
"slug": "my-test-tag"
Bu trying to submit that into mongoose will issue a CastError: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "xxxxxxx" at path "xxxxxx"'
By using our plugin the object would be converted into:
"_id": "5583e7eb4e6c66874b90ff70"
"title": "test document"
"tags": ["5583e7eb4e6c66874b90ff71"]
_id or id are searched in the tag object and returned in its place.
Basic usage
Add the plugin to a Mongoose schema:
var ensureObjectIds = require('lackey-mongoose-ensure-object-ids'),
mongoSchema = new Schema({
title: String,
tags: [{
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'tag'
Then use it on the controller:'/',
handler(handlerOptions, function (o) {
.then(function (doc) {
.then(o.handle404(), o.handleError());
}, o.handleError());
The previous example uses our request handler. A more simple example, without the request handler would look something like this:
.then(function (doc) {
Product.create(doc, function(err){
// do something with the error...
// or reply to the request
}, function (err) {
// do something with the error...
With Options - Searching for ids
Our basic example assumes we were provided with an object that contains either an id or an _id property. To allow any other property that is unique, like a slug or a code, we would have to search the database to recover the ObjectId.
Setting the plugin:
mongoSchema.plugin(ensureObjectIds, {
// key: Model name
// value: Space separated field names
tag: 'slug code'
By providing the options we define what fields are searchable for each model. The plugin will search them using an $or query. Just be careful with collisions when using several searchable fields per model.