`kysely-codegen` generates Kysely type definitions from your database. That's it.
generates Kysely type definitions from your database. That's it.
Table of contents
npm install --save-dev kysely-codegen
You will also need to install Kysely with your driver of choice:
# PostgreSQL
npm install kysely pg
npm install kysely mysql2
# SQLite
npm install kysely better-sqlite3
npm install kysely tedious tarn @tediousjs/connection-string
# LibSQL
npm install @libsql/kysely-libsql
Generating type definitions
The most convenient way to get started is to create an .env
file with your database connection string:
# PostgreSQL
DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:[email protected]/database
DATABASE_URL=mysql://username:[email protected]/database
# SQLite
DATABASE_URL=C:/Program Files/sqlite3/db
DATABASE_URL=Server=mssql;Database=database;User Id=user;Password=password
# LibSQL
If your URL contains a password with special characters, those characters may need to be percent-encoded.
If you are using PlanetScale, make sure your URL contains this SSL query string parameter:
Then run the following command, or add it to the scripts section in your package.json file:
This command will generate a .d.ts
file from your database, for example:
import { ColumnType } from 'kysely';
export type Generated<T> = T extends ColumnType<infer S, infer I, infer U>
? ColumnType<S, I | undefined, U>
: ColumnType<T, T | undefined, T>;
export type Timestamp = ColumnType<Date, Date | string, Date | string>;
export interface Company {
id: Generated<number>;
name: string;
export interface User {
company_id: number | null;
created_at: Generated<Timestamp>;
email: string;
id: Generated<number>;
is_active: boolean;
name: string;
updated_at: Timestamp;
export interface DB {
company: Company;
user: User;
To specify a different output file:
kysely-codegen --out-file ./src/db/db.d.ts
Using the type definitions
Import DB
into new Kysely<DB>
, and you're done!
import { Kysely, PostgresDialect } from 'kysely';
import { DB } from 'kysely-codegen';
import { Pool } from 'pg';
const db = new Kysely<DB>({
dialect: new PostgresDialect({
pool: new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
const rows = await db.selectFrom('users').selectAll().execute();
// ^ { created_at: Date; email: string; id: number; ... }[]
If you need to use the generated types in e.g. function parameters and type definitions, you may need to use the Kysely Insertable
, Selectable
, Updateable
types. Note that you don't need to explicitly annotate query return values, as it's recommended to let Kysely infer the types for you.
import { Insertable, Updateable } from 'kysely';
import { DB } from 'kysely-codegen';
import { db } from './db';
async function insertUser(user: Insertable<User>) {
return await db
// ^ Selectable<User>
async function updateUser(user: Updateable<User>) {
return await db
.where({ id: })
.returning(['email', 'id'])
// ^ { email: string; id: number; }
Read the Kysely documentation for more information.
CLI arguments
Use the Kysely CamelCasePlugin for generated table column names.
export interface User {
companyId: number | null;
createdAt: Generated<Timestamp>;
email: string;
id: Generated<number>;
isActive: boolean;
name: string;
updatedAt: Timestamp;
Specify which parser to use for PostgreSQL date values. (values: [string
, timestamp
], default: timestamp
--dialect [value]
Set the SQL dialect. (values: [postgres
, mysql
, sqlite
, mssql
, libsql
, bun-sqlite
, kysely-bun-sqlite
, worker-bun-sqlite
--env-file [value]
Specify the path to an environment file to use.
--help, -h
Print all command line options.
--include-pattern [value], --exclude-pattern [value]
You can choose which tables should be included during code generation by providing a glob pattern to the --include-pattern
and --exclude-pattern
flags. We use micromatch under the hood, which provides advanced glob support. For instance, if you only want to include your public tables:
kysely-codegen --include-pattern="public.*"
You can also include only certain tables within a schema:
kysely-codegen --include-pattern="public.+(user|post)"
Or exclude an entire class of tables:
kysely-codegen --exclude-pattern="documents.*"
--log-level [value]
Set the terminal log level. (values: [debug
, info
, warn
, error
, silent
], default: warn
Skip generating types for PostgreSQL domains. (default: false
Specify which parser to use for PostgreSQL numeric values. (values: [string
, number
, number-or-string
], default: string
Specify type overrides for specific table columns in JSON format.
kysely-codegen --overrides='{"columns":{"table_name.column_name":"{foo:\"bar\"}"}}'
--out-file [value]
Set the file build path. (default: ./node_modules/kysely-codegen/dist/db.d.ts
Include partitions of PostgreSQL tables in the generated code.
Print the generated output to the terminal instead of a file.
--runtime-enums, --runtime-enums-style
The PostgreSQL --runtime-enums
option generates runtime enums instead of string unions.
The option --runtime-enums-style
specifies which naming convention to use for runtime enum keys. (values: [pascal-case
, screaming-snake-case
], default: pascal-case
export type Status = 'CONFIRMED' | 'UNCONFIRMED';
export enum Status {
--runtime-enums --runtime-enums-style=pascal-case
export enum Status {
Confirmed = 'CONFIRMED',
Unconfirmed = 'UNCONFIRMED',
--schema [value]
Set the default schema(s) for the database connection.
Multiple schemas can be specified:
kysely-codegen --schema=public --schema=hidden
Singularize generated table names, e.g. BlogPost
instead of BlogPosts
. We use the pluralize package for singularization.
Generate code using the TypeScript 3.8+ import type
syntax. (default: true
--url [value]
Set the database connection string URL. This may point to an environment variable. (default: env(DATABASE_URL)
Verify that the generated types are up-to-date. (default: false
Issue funding
We use to upvote and promote specific features that you would like to see implemented. Check the backlog and help out: