ssh and git based ssh deployment command line tool
simple, ssh based deployment command line tool
note: It's new, not perfectly functional right now be awere of it
what is it ?
kuzgun is very simple deployment tool, its basically responsible to pull your changes on server.
how it works ?##
Mantality is very simple. choose your spesific branch for git and send your kuzgun to server ( $ kuzgun brak ) right after git push It will simply go your server and tell git pull in your desired directory that's everything
npm install kuzgun -g
watch the video: usage video assume that you have a working project, first cd to your repository, and run kuzgun init
$ cd my-repository/
$ kuzgun birth
It will ask you bunch of project information, than It will save it to .kuzgun file, so you can change it later or run kuzgun init again
than you need to send kuzgun to server, It will arrange configrations for you
If you never login to your server before than login for one time and save your computer to known_hosts than exit
run this for configuration:
$ kuzgun flight
It will add your selected ssh-key to .ssh/authorized_keys in the server, than It will go to the dir you've selected and git clone from your repo. note that It will in the same directory like: git clone myrepoaddress .
than you're ready to go, when you push changes than execute:
$ git push origin master
$ kuzgun brak
your changes in your server now! ravens warble like brakk brakk when they flying, because of that its brak
#Tips if you are using something like forever or pm2 etc. you can simply specify what commands kuzgun will execute preupdate and afterupdate in .kuzgun file
and if you willing to connect your server with ssh by your own, you can simply run
$ kuzgun capture
this will copy your clipboard something like this
ssh myusername@myserver
what the hell is kuzgun mean?
Kuzgun means "Raven" in Turkish.
not very long time ago we use ravens for communication, we send letters with them I inspired their characteristic features, and It's meaningfull, because raven collect your commands, and take it to the server. It's flying, It's commanding by your name. Its your virtual raven.