kurdistan 47 bremin
ℹ️ || About
📥 || Installation
To install UltraX package you need:
You need to install Node.js.
You need to install discord.js.
You need to install node-fetch to use the
functions.You need to install canvas to use the
Then you can open your application's terminal and type:
$ npm install ultrax
📜 || Table of content
- Functions that creates timeout easily and fast.passGen()
- Function to create passwords made by letters and numbers randomly with specified length.bin()
- Function that allows you to bin codes.ButtonPaginator()
- Function to create embed pages using buttons easily.welcomeImage()
- Function that creates a welcome image fully customizable using canvas.Wikipedia()
- Function that allows users to search wikipedia and return results for a query.remind()
- Function to make remind commanddaBaby()
- Function to make a user DaBaby
allows you to get some informations about the invite such as the inviter, etc...reminder
It Triggers when someone used remind function and its time to remind user.
|| Functions:
sleep is a simple function, where is make it easier and faster to make a timeout in your code.
// Defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
// Getting the sleep function from the package
const sleep = ultrax.sleep
// this will log "Start!" once i run the application
// using the package sleep function to set a timeout
sleep(5000) // sleep(milliseconds)
// after the 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) it will log "5 Seconds passed"
console.log('5 Seconds passed')
sleep(ms: Number)
this is a simple function that can generate passwords using letters and numbers and the password length is custom so you can change it to any length you want!
// Defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
// getting the passGen function from the package
const passGen = ultrax.passGen
// passGen(6) that mean it will generate a password from 6 characters.
passGen(Length: Number)
This function is used to bin your code.
// Defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
// if it's empty it returns a message saying "what do you want to bin?"
if (!args.join(' ')) return message.channel.send('What do you want to bin?');
// else if everything works fine, we will make a new varible called "bin"
else {
// it will be used to bin the args.join(' ') also known as the message.content
const bin = await ultrax.bin(args.join(' '), true);
// then here we will send the results!
console.log('Here i binned the code ' + bin)
ultrax.bin(args.join(' '), true/false)
if its true that mean the bin is editable, else if its false that means no one can edit it.
Button Paginator
Button Paginator function allows you to create embed pages easily and fast.
// Defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
// getting the MessageEmbed from discord.js
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js")
// creating embeds
const embed1 = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("1st page embed");
const embed2 = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("2nd page embed");
const embed3 = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("3rd page embed");
const embed4 = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("4th page embed");
// creating the buttons pages
await ultrax.ButtonPaginator(message, [embed1, embed2, embed3, embed4], [{
style: 'red',
label: 'Backwards',
emoji: {
name: '◀',
animated: false
id: 'back' // don't change this line
style: 'green',
label: 'Forward',
emoji: {
name: '▶',
animated: false
id: 'next' // don't change this line
Don't change the id of the buttons otherwise, don't expect it to work.
This function is used to create a welcome image using canvas, fully customizable and fast!
The function returns a Promise(<Attachment>) to Buffer the image and make it an Attachment, so you need to await it.
await welcomeImage()
As we mentioned before its fully customizable, so lets see the parameters and the options available. Parameters (Required):
text_1 (Title)
text_2 (Subtitle)
text_3 (Footer)
color Options (Optional):
{ default: "San Serif" }attachmentName
{ default: "welcome" }text1_fontSize
{ default: "72 pixels" }text2_fontSize
{ default: "42 pixels" }text3_fontSize
{ default: "32 pixels" }
So now lets talk about the correct Syntax for it!
await welcomeImage(background, avatar, text_1, text_2, text_3, color)
The background must be a PNG image, local images and URL images are supported.
The color must be a HEX color's code. As example this HEX:
In case you will use the options:
You don't have to use all options you can just use the ones you want to use, and you are not obligate of using them at all they are optional.
await welcomeImage(background, avatar, text_1, text_2, text_3, color {
font: String,
attachmentName: String,
text1_fontSize: Number,
text2_fontSize: Number,
text3_fontSize: Number
is always PNG, so whatever name you will put it will end with.png
automatically.Example: attachmentName: "Hello" returns: "Hello.png"
// Getting registerFont() from canvas
const { registerFont } = require('canvas')
// Registering the font
registerFont('ShadowsIntoLight-Regular.ttf', { family: "Shadows Into Light" });
To use custom fonts, you need to install the font (ttf/otf) yourself and use
to register the font and be able to use it.This is an example font, if you used this without install the font you will get an error.
After all these explanations and examples, lets see a full and nice welcome image function working inside of an guildMemberAdd
// defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
// Getting registerFont() from canvas
const { registerFont } = require('canvas')
// Registering the custom font
registerFont('ShadowsIntoLight-Regular.ttf', { family: "Shadows Into Light" });
// Event
Client.on('guildMemberAdd', async member => {
// defining the background as bg
let bg = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850808002545319957/859359637106065408/bg.png'
// defining the member's avatar with "PNG" as format.
let avatar = member.user.displayAvatarURL({ format: "png" })
// defining text_1 (title)
let text1 = "welcome"
// defining text_2 (subtitle)
let text2 = member.user.tag
// defining text_3 (footer)
let text3 = `You're the ${member.guild.memberCount}th member`
// defining the color, here its white
let color = '#ffffff'
// defining the options and setting them (Those are optional)
const options = {
font: "Shadows Into Light",
attachmentName: `welcome-${member.id}`,
text1_fontSize: 80,
text2_fontSize: 50,
text3_fontSize: 30
// creating the image
const image = await ultrax.welcomeImage(bg, avatar, text1, text2, text3, color, options)
Makes a sussybaka image with a image url
const ultrax = require("ultrax");
const { Client } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Client();
client.on("message", async(message) => {
if(message.content === "!sussybaka"){
const theSussyBaka = new ultrax.sussyBaka(message.mentions.users.first()?.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }) || message.author.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }));
//It will return a Discord attachment!
const Image = await theSussyBaka.get();
return message.channel.send(Image);
A simple function to allow you to fetch a topic from wikipedia
// defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
// we will be searching earth
let query = 'earth'
// Inistigating the wikipedia class
const res = new ultrax.Wikipedia({
message: message, // The message
color: "RED", // Color of embed that will be sent
query: query // what the search query is
res.fetch() // fetching the result from wikipedia
Simple function to DaBaby a user!
The function returns a Promise(<Attachment>) to Buffer the image and make it an Attachment, so you need to await it.
await daBaby()
//defining the package
const ultrax = require('ultrax')
client.on("message", async(message) => {
if(message.content === "!dababy"){
const daBaby = await ultrax.dababy(message.mentions.users.first()?.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }) || message.author.displayAvatarURL({ format: 'png' }));
//It will return a Discord attachment!
return message.channel.send(daBaby);
Used in remind command. Parameters:
- MemberID
- Time
- Reason
const remind = require("ultrax").remind;
const time = args[0];
const reason = args.slice(1).join(" ");
if (!time) return message.channel.send("Specify Time! e.g `1m`")
if (!reason) return message.channel.send("Specify Reason! e.g `Going to Market`")
remind(message.author.id, time, reason);
message.channel.send("Successfully set a reminder.")
Reminder Event
This will trigger when someone uses remind command ( remind function
) And when its time to remind user his message, this will trgger. It has 3 parameters:
- User
- reason
- time
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.login('TOKEN HERE');
// ==================================================================
const ultrax = require("ultrax")
// Connecting to mongoose'
ultrax.connectToMongoDB('MONGO DB URL');
// this will make reminder event work!
// New Event for Remind function;
client.on('reminder', (user, reason, time) => {
client.users.cache.get(user.id).send(`You asked me \`${time}\` ago to remind you \n \`${reason}\``);
client.on('message'(message) => {
let prefix = '?'
let args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
let cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (cmd === 'remind') {
const time = args[0];
const reason = args.slice(1).join(" ");
if (!time) return message.channel.send("Specify Time! e.g `1m`")
if (!reason) return message.channel.send("Specify Reason! e.g `Going to Market`")
remind(message.author.id, time, reason);
message.channel.send("Successfully set a reminder.")
Invite Logger Event
This event is for logging invite uses. This is same as guildMemberAdd
event but this is custom event which has 3 parameters:
- member
- invite
- inviter
// Defining the package
const ultrax = require("ultrax")
//defining discord
const discord = require('discord.js')
// new discord client
const client = new discord.Client()
// To Get The new event working we need to initilize it by:
// now below event will work
client.on('inviteJoin', (member, invite, inviter) => {
// results
console.log(`${member.user.tag} joined using invite code ${invite.code} from ${inviter.tag}. Invite was used ${invite.uses} times since its creation.`)
put here your discord client. without it, the event won't emit.
⎝🔶⎠ Contact us
In case you have idea's to improve the package, or maybe you found some bugs or you need help, you can contact us from our discord server!