Utils for everyone!
- Name Kural is inspired from
- Tirukkuṟaḷ for its universality and secular nature
- curl for its usefulness
Utils for everyone!
# linux and mac
sudo npm i -g kural
# windows
npm i -g kural
Chrome Driver
- Download the Chrome Driver file and put this in your PATH
Commands and Demos
kural sf:login -r sandbox|prod
# this depends on SFDX install, uses SFDX to login into the Salesforce org
# creates the auth json file, which can be used for other commands to login into the Salesforce org
- Run Lighthouse on a given site
# run lighthouse on a website
kural browser:lh -s https://www.apple.com
# run lighthouse on a salesforce org with given un/pwd
kural browser:sflh -r 508_sfdc.json
# run lighthouse on a salesforce org with authFile
kural browser:sflhp -r 508.json -a mohan.chinnappan.n.sel_at_gmail.com.json
# run optimizer with authfile
kural browser:auto -r optimizer.json -a auth.json
Perf test
kural browser:perfTest -r perf_cfg.json
cat perf_cfg.json
"label": "Performance Testing",
"maxConcurrency": 4,
"sites": [
{ "url": "https://www.google.com"},
{ "url": "https://www.apple.com"},
{ "url": "https://www.salesforce.com"},
{ "url": "https:///mohan-chinnappan-n.github.io"},
{ "url": "https://www.wikipedia.org"}
Perf test demo
$ cat 508_sfdc.json
"testName": "508 - sfdc",
"name": "login",
"url": "https://login.salesforce.com",
"port": 8041,
"soMo": 50,
"headless": false,
"reportFilename": "sfdc_lh.html",
"viewport": { "width": 1516, "height": 699 } ,
"onlyCategories": ["accessibility", "best-practices", "performance", "pwa", "seo" ],
"form": [
"locator": "#username",
"value": "[email protected]",
"action": "sendKeys"
"locator": "#password",
"value": "PWD",
"action": "sendKeys"
"locator": "#Login"
$ cat 508.json
"description": "Running 508 checks on Salesforce org page",
"retURL" : "lightning/o/Account/list",
"headless": false,
"port": 8041,
"slowMo": 50,
"closeBrowser": true,
"reportFilename": "sfdc_lh.html",
"viewPort": { "width": 2040, "height": 699 },
"onlyCategories": ["accessibility"]
Run 508 Demo
Run 508 Demo-2
$ cat optimizer.json
"description": "Running Optimizer report",
"retURL" : "lightning/o/OrgMetric/home",
"headless": false,
"closeBrowser": true,
"viewPort": { "width": 2040, "height": 699 },
"steps": [
{ "label" : "Click Run Optimizer button",
"xpath": "/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/section/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div/div/div/div/div/runtime_platform_optimizer-org-metric-list-header/div/div[1]/div[2]/lightning-button/button",
"op": "click"
Run Optimizer Demo
Mobile test
kural browser:mobile -r mobile_cfg.json
cat mobile_cfg.json
"label": "Mobile Testing",
"site": "https://mohan-chinnappan-n2.github.io/2021/wp/design/design.md.html#1",
"outputFilename" : "design.png",
"headless": false,
"slowMo": 250,
"device": "iPhone X"
- Generates SVG for a given dot file
kural viz:graphviz:dot2svg -i erd-1.dot -r dot -e y
# dot is default
# flag e opens up the editor
cat erd-1.dot
graph ER {
node [shape=box]; course; institute; student;
node [shape=ellipse]; {node [label="name"] name0; name1; name2;}
code; grade; number;
node [shape=diamond,style=filled,color=lightgrey]; "C-I"; "S-C"; "S-I";
name0 -- course;
code -- course;
course -- "C-I" [label="n",len=1.00];
"C-I" -- institute [label="1",len=1.00];
institute -- name1;
institute -- "S-I" [label="1",len=1.00];
"S-I" -- student [label="n",len=1.00];
student -- grade;
student -- name2;
student -- number;
student -- "S-C" [label="m",len=1.00];
"S-C" -- course [label="n",len=1.00];
label = "\n\nEntity Relation Diagram";
Mermaid Drawing Editor
- Opens up the Mermaid Drawing Editor with given input file content
viz:dwg:mermaid -i gantt-1.dwg -e y
# flag e opens up the editor
cat gantt-1.dwg
title Deployment Plan
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section ReleaseCalender
Recieve :a1, 2022-06-04, 2d
Finalize :a2, after a1 , 1d
section Prepare For Release
Prepare ORGs :b1, after a2, 1d
Run health checks :b2, after b1, 1d
section Pre-deployment steps
Perform : c1, after b1, 2d
section Communications
Via DL and Slack:e1, after c1, 4d
section Pipeline
Create Package: d1, after c1, 1d
Validate Package: d2, after d1, 1d
Deploy Package:d3, after d2,1d
section Post-deployment steps
Perform : f3, after d3, 1d
UML Seq diagram editor
- Opens up the UML Seq Drawing Editor with given input file content
viz:uml:seq -i farmer.seq.txt -e y
# flag e opens up the editor
cat farmer.seq.txt
Title: Farmer and Nature
Rain->Land: Falls
Note right of Land: Thank you!
Land->Farmer:Start farming!
Farmer->Nature: Thanks you Lovely Nature!
Farmer->Nature: I am planting more trees!
- SOQL query with auth file
kural sf:data:query -q accounts.soql -a mohan.chinnappan.n.sel_at_gmail.com.json
Run data query
kural sf:tooling:query -q EntityParticle_s.sql -a mohan.chinnappan.n_ea2_at_gmail.com.json
Example usage
cat EntityParticle_s.sql
FROM EntityParticle
WHERE EntityDefinition.QualifiedApiName ='Account'
Demo of tooling query
kural sf:tooling:audit
kural sf:tooling:audit -s Account -a mohan.chinnappan.n_ea2_at_gmail.com.json
Demo of tooling audit
kural browser:auto
# Run optimizer report with auth file
kural browser:auto -r optimizer.json -a mohan.chinnappan.n.sel_at_gmail.com.json
Run PMD scan
Retrieve ApexClass or ApexTrigger
sfdx mohanc:mdapi:retrieve -u [email protected] -t "ApexClass"
sfdx mohanc:mdapi:checkRetrieveStatus -u [email protected] -i "09S3h0000073Hw7EAE"
unzip 09S3h0000073HzeEAE.zip
cat pmd-conf.json
"label": "PMD Scan of Apex Classes",
"pmdBinPath" :"/Users/mchinnappan/node-pmd/pmd-bin-6.47.0/bin/pmd-run.sh",
"ruleSetFile": "/Users/mchinnappan/.pmd/apex_ruleset.xml",
"sourcePath" :"/Users/mchinnappan/kural-demos/unpackaged/classes/",
"outputFormat": "html",
"outputFile" : "./pmd_results.html"
kural scanner:pmd:scan -r pmd-conf.json
=== Command: /Users/mchinnappan/node-pmd/pmd-bin-6.47.0/bin/pmd-run.sh pmd -R /Users/mchinnappan/.pmd/apex_ruleset.xml -d /Users/mchinnappan/kural-demos/unpackaged/classes/ -f html > ./pmd_results.html ===
=== Output will be written in ./pmd_results.html ===
=== Opening ./pmd_results.html ===
PMD Scan with new HTML report with charts
kural scanner:pmd:scan -r pmd-conf.json
cat pmd-conf.json
"label": "PMD Scan of Apex Classes",
"pmdBinPath" :"/Users/mchinnappan/node-pmd/pmd-bin-6.47.0/bin/pmd-run.sh",
"ruleSetFile": "/Users/mchinnappan/.pmd/apex_ruleset.xml",
"sourcePath" :"/Users/mchinnappan/kural-demos/unpackaged/classes/",
"outputFormat": "xml",
"outputFile" : "./pmd-results.xml"
kural data:transform:xslt -i pmd-results.xml -t pmd-report-v2.xslt > pmd-results.html
kural i18n:translate
- Translates a given sentence into various languages and provides verification Google Translate URL (optionally) to verify the translation work
- Uses Google Translate
# Translate to French
kural i18n:translate -i 'Good Morning, Friends!' -f 'en' -t fr
Bonjour les amis!
# Translate to Tamil
kural i18n:translate -i 'Good Morning, Friends!' -f 'en' -t ta
காலை வணக்கம் நண்பர்களே!
# Translate to Telugu
kural i18n:translate -i 'Good Morning, Friends!' -f 'en' -t te
శుభోదయం మిత్రులారా!
# Translate to Marathi
kural i18n:translate -i 'Good Morning, Friends!' -f 'en' -t mr -g true
सुप्रभात, मित्रांनो!
# Translate to Japanese and launch google translate to verify the translation work
kural i18n:translate -i 'Good Morning, Friends!' -f 'en' -t ja -g true
Translation verification
kural i18n:prepare
- Prepares xml file for processing and optionally translate
cat input.txt
Good Morning, Friends!
Today is a Wonderful day!
- Prepare without translation
kural i18n:prepare -i input.txt -f en -t fr -x n
<Media type="AEP" stringCount="2">
<String source="Good Morning, Friends!">Good Morning, Friends!</String>
<String source="Today is a Wonderful day!">Today is a Wonderful day!</String>
- Prepare with translation en-fr
kural i18n:prepare -i input.txt -f en -t fr -x y
<Media type="AEP" stringCount="2">
<String source="Good Morning, Friends!">Bonjour les amis!</String>
<String source="Today is a Wonderful day!">Aujourd'hui est une merveilleuse journée!</String>
- Prepare with translation en-ja
kural i18n:prepare -i input.txt -f en -t ja -x y
<Media type="AEP" stringCount="2">
<String source="Good Morning, Friends!">おはようございます、友達!</String>
<String source="Today is a Wonderful day!">今日は素晴らしい日です!</String>
kural i18n:stf
- Process Salesforce Translation File (STF) to xml
kural i18n:stf -i Bilingual_fr_2022-09-14\ 0105.stf > Bilingual_fr_2022-09-14\ 0105.stf.xml
kural data:viz:vega
- VegaLite chart for the given data
kural data:viz:vega -i field-usage.json
kural data:viz:chartjs
- Chartjs chart for the given data
kural data:viz:chartjs -i barchart.json
cat barchart.json
"title": "Charts with Chartjs",
"width": 400, "height":400,
"type": "pie",
"data": {
"labels": [
"datasets": [
"label": "# of Friuts",
"data": [
"backgroundColor": ["cyan", "skyblue", "steelblue", "#99ccff"]
"options": {
"scales": {
"y": {
"beginAtZero": false
# English page ocr
kural ida:ocr -i eng_bw.png -l eng
# Tamil page ocr
kural ida:ocr -i tam.png -l tam
cat eng_bw.png.txt
Mild Splendour of the various-vested Night!
Mother of wildly-working visions! haill
I watch thy gliding, while with watery light
Thy weak eye glimmers through a fleecy veil;
And when thou lovest thy pale orb to shroud
Behind the gather’d blackness lost on high;
And when thou dartest from the wind-rent cloud
Thy placid lightning o’er the awaken’d sky.
cat tam.png.txt
அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி
பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு.
# generates lwc code for accounts.soql
kural codegen:lwc -i accounts.soql
cat accounts.soql
SELECT Id, Name, Industry
FROM Account
- Built by Mohan Chinnappan with ♥