KumoApp to TSRP gateway
A KumoApp to TSRP gateway.
Wireless Sensor Tags have an estimated range of over 200m with a battery life of one year. These communicate to a Tag Manager using a proprietary RF technology. In turn, the Tag Manager uploads tag readings to a cloud service.
A KumoApp is a javascript fragment that is evaluated whenever a reading is updated. This node package provides a server that listens for reports from a KumoApp and translates them into TSRP messages for use with The Thing System (or any other TSRP consumer).
% npm -l install kumoapp-tsrp
You will need to run the gateway using an "always on" computer on your network. If you are running the steward, you can use the same machine. Regardless, you MUST edit kumoapp-params.js to include the IP address and TCP port that the gateway will listen on.
Login to the Wireless Sensor Tag cloud service.
If you have not already authorized your Tag Manager, or associated new wireless sensor tags to your tag manager, please do so now.
Now click on Kumo Apps, and then click on Write Your App. Examine the "Existing Apps" drop-down and see if you have a choice for
report tag updates to kumoapp-tsrp gateway
If so, select that and create it; otherwise, create a new app with this name that doesn't require any sensor/tag types. To generate the body of the app, cut-and-paste the output of
% node kumoapp-define.js
and then create it.
To try it out:
% node index.js
or to run it continuously:
% ./run.sh
You probably want this to run on startup via cron, e.g.,
@reboot bash -c 'cd .../node-kumoapp-tsrp; (./run.sh &)'
At this point, whenever the Tag Manager reports a tag update to the Wireless Sensor Tag cloud, then the cloud service will tell the Tag Manager to make an HTTP call with the status information. This is translated into a TSRP packet and then multicast across the network.