Just a toolbelt
KSPLITT v0.0.9
Just a simple toolbelt for my projects. Use if you think you know what it does.
Usage: `var ks = require('ksplitt');
Methods: unSettle: unSettle function takes the returned array from the bluebird settle method and removes the extra properties _bitField & _settledValue. Returns a promise of an array. @param array @returns {Array}
defaults: Extends an object with a defaults object, similar to underscore's _.defaults Used for abstracting parameter handling from API methods @param object Configuration object to extend @param defs Object with default values @returns {*|{}} Returns the combined object with default values overwritten with the config object.
isObject: Tests whether supplied parameter is a true object @param obj @returns {*|boolean}
randomPassword: Random password generator. Default length is 5. Returns new password in callback. If no callback given, promise returned. @param l {Number} Desired length of returned random password @param cb {Function} Callback function with a parameter for the returned password. Optional @returns {string/Promise}
schemaTypes: Mongoose model schema types shortDate - Mongoose getter. Usage: createdDate : { type: Date, required: true, default: Date.now, get: require('ksplitt').schemaTypes.shortDate } @param val @returns {string}