🎤 kQuery assignment
Designing an API like jQuery. Starting by implementing a few basics:
- kQuery(cssSelectorString)
- kCollection.replaceWith(kCollection)
- kCollection.style(Object)
- kCollection.remove()
- kCollection.find(cssSelectorString)
- kCollection.get()
I choose to add:
- append(HTMLString) (Add an item just before the selecting closing tag)
Oh, I almost forgot: we need kQuery within a week ;)
I needed to find an efficient build tools for library so I asked for advice to a friend. He told me about rollup. That's how I found the skeleton of kQuery: [rollup-starter-lib] (https://github.com/rollup/rollup-starter-lib) 🙏
Once I got the architecture, I decided to use jest for testing. It's been a while that I wanted to try, I took the opportunity.
I knew that I wanted to write my code with ES6 syntax and that I would need babel to transpile it into ES5. Fortunately the starter-kit come with it.
ESLint for linter
prettier to format code
The end but not least, I used Rollup for building.
To test the lib: open a console and use:
$ npm run test
You can download the lib and create an html at the root of the project and import kQuery.umd.js
to test in browser console.
Before publishing on npm or pushing on github, you will have to run: npm run build
Create an example to try it on web. Add types for kCollection function Implement other functionalities.