KotUniL JavaScript/TypeScript library covers all units of International System of Units (SI) like meter, second etc. (see Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units) as well as SI- Prefixes (micro, nano etc.) and some other co
KotUniL JavaScript/TypeScript Library
JavaScript/TypeScript-variant of Kotlin's KotUniL library.
KotUniL covers all units of International System of Units (SI)
like meter, second etc. (see Wikipedia)
as well as SI- Prefixes (micro, nano etc.) and some other common units like currencies, percentages etc.
For more information about KotUniL please see origin documentation in GitHub si-units project How to use this library please see the samples in GitHub si-units project: apps/node_ts_app and web_app_js).
JS Release Notes
Since version 4.2.2 of main (multiplatform) KotUniL library has JS part of project its own versioning.
Version 5.0.1
- Changed call format by "direct-call" to const
{eu} = this['eu.sirotin.kotunil:kotunil']
instead of {eu} = this['kotunil-js-lib'] (see apps/web_app_js/src/scripts/tests/Starter.js)
Call format by Node.JS does not change.
- Small update of documentation.