Simple scaffolding utility using Handlebars for compiling templates. This is used internally, no tests currently it works but use at own risk.
Simple scaffolding utility using Handlebars for compiling templates. This is used internally, no tests currently it works but use at own risk.
But hey you're only generating templates so probably no big whoop.
npm install kopie -g
Use generate, gen or g to generate a template. Generate requires a name, shown below as page and an output path, shown below as output/directory.
In your .kopie/config.json file you can configure your root directory where generators will output to. You can also specify in the generator's config a base sub directory from the above root.
Behind the scenes Kopie does the following join(root, base, output) where output is shown below as output/directory.
ko generate page output/directory --props.key=value
If you've used Handlebars or really just about any templating engine you should be right at home. Any valid Handlebars or Handlebars-Helpers configuration works.
Consider the following template named demo
<p>Hello my name is {{capitalize name}}</p>
Using command ko g demo demo --props.name='Milton Waddams'
<p>Hello my name is Milton Waddams</p>
You can define required arguments, options and props for your generator. You can also defined defaults. Here's an example below.
Here below dest within required.args ensures that you provide a destination path. Consider this command ko g page components/login. The below config demands components/login be provided or an error will be thrown.
"page": {
"name": "page",
"isDirectory": true,
"action": "default",
"base": "pages",
"defaults": {
"args": [],
"props": {
"name": "MyComponent"
"required": {
"args": [
"props": [
In your ./.kopie/actions folder are the default actions Kopie ships with, see index.js. Your generator config allows you to specify an action to be used to generate your template. Many use cases can be satisfied with the defaultAction action.
You'll notice also an advancedAction method in actions.js. This shows you the workflow of how Kopie handles rendering templates by default.
To create some custom task simple create and export a new generator function that fits the work flow you need.
What's Next
As time permits more examples of more advanced configurations, for features adds etc. Again all about time.