Hypermedia Representor Using Hyper+JSON
Kōkua - Hypermedia Representor
Kōkua (Hawaiian) - help, aid, assistance
Kōkua is an implementation of the Representor pattern, written in modern Javascript/Node. It allows developers to represent hypermedia messages in a flexible media type, purpose-designed for the task: Hyper and automatically outputs messages in a variety of popular Hypermedia formats such as:
- HAL (application/hal+json)
- Siren (application/vnd.siren+json)
- Collection+JSON (application/vnd.collection+json)
- UBER (application/vnd.uber+json)
- JSON API (application/vnd.api+json)
- etc.
Convert a Hyper document to other formats
const kokua = require("kokua");
let halDoc = kokua(hyperDoc, kokua.mt('hal'));
where the first argument to a kokua()
call is a JSON document formatted as a
Hyper document, and the second argument is the name of a supported media-type
that we want the message to be translated to.
Convert a document in another format to Hyper
const kokua = require("kokua");
let uberDoc = kokua.parse(halDoc, kokua.mt('hal'));
where the first argument to a kokua.parse()
call is a JSON document formatted
in a media type, supported by Kokua, and the second argument is the name of a
supported media-type that we want the message to be translated from.
Please see the official specification for Hyper media type, for more details about the format.
Advanced Example
const hyperDoc = const hyper = {
"h:head": {"curies": {"ea": "http://example.com/docs/rels/"}},
"h:ref": {"self": "/orders", "next": "/orders?page=2"},
"currentlyProcessing": 14, "shippedToday": 20,
"ea:order": [
"h:ref": {
"self": "/orders/123",
"ea:basket": "/baskets/98712",
"ea:customer": "/customers/7809"
"total": 30, "currency": "USD", "status": "shipped"
"h:ref": {
"self": "/orders/123",
"ea:basket": "/baskets/98712",
"ea:customer": "/customers/124234"
"total": 123, "currency": "USD", "status": "pending"
const kokua = require("kokua");
let halDoc = kokua(hyperDoc, kokua.mt('hal'));
let sirenDoc = kokua(hyperDoc, kokua.mt('siren'));
Implementation Status
- Hyper to HAL: 100%
- Reverse: 0%
- Hyper to Siren: 100%
- Reverse: 100%
- Hyper to UBER: 0%
- Reverse: 0%
- Hyper to Collection+JSON: 0%
- Reverse: 0%
- Hyper to JSONAPI: 0%
- Reverse: 0%
Quick-n-dirty benchmark
> node benchmark.js
Time to convert HAL 10,000 times: 2.572 ms
Time to convert Siren 10,000 times: 1.42 ms
Plugin Development
If you are interested in developing a new plugin to implement translation to a hypermedia format that is not yet implemented, please refer to README-PLUGINDEV