kojiro-image-generation is a powerfull module that allow you to generate awesome images.
A powerfull module that allow you to generate awesome images.
Bugs and glitches
Feel free to report all bugs and glitches by creating an issue in the issue section.
A correct and understandable issue contains :
- Steps to reproduce
- Code that summonned the error
- The complete error
Please join this community server to follow all my projects or if you need help.
Support Server Community
Amandine Discord Bot Support Server
You can download it from npmjs.
npm i kojiro-image-generation
The first step is to import the module in your code.
const KIG = require("kojiro-image-generation");
Then you have to request your image and send it as an attachement.
Discord.js v12
// Import the discord.js library.
const Discord = require("discord.js")
// Create a new discord.js client.
const bot = new Discord.Client()
const DIG = require("discord-image-generation");
> You can also destructure to avoid repeating DIG.
// Listen to the ready event
bot.on("ready", () => {
// Listen to the message event
bot.on("message", async (message) => {
// Send the image in a simple message
if (message.content === "*delete") {
// Get the avatarUrl of the user
let avatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: false, format: 'png' });
// Make the image
let img = await new DIG.Delete().getImage(avatar)
// Add the image as an attachement
let attach = new Discord.MessageAttachment(img, "delete.png");;
// Send the message with the image attached to an embed
if (message.content === "*blur") {
// Get the avatarUrl of the user
let avatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: false, format: 'png' });
// Make the image
let img = await new DIG.Blur().getImage(avatar)
// Add the image as an attachement
let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
let attach = new Discord.MessageAttachment(img, "blur.png");;
message.channel.send({ embed: embed, files: [attach])
// Log in to the bot
Discord.js v13
// Import the discord.js library.
const Discord = require("discord.js")
// Create a new discord.js client.
const bot = new Discord.Client()
const DIG = require("discord-image-generation");
> You can also destructure to avoid repeating DIG.
// Listen to the ready event
bot.on("ready", () => {
// Listen to the message event
bot.on("messageCreate", async (message) => {
// Send the image in a simple message
if (message.content === "*delete") {
// Get the avatarUrl of the user
let avatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: false, format: 'png' });
// Make the image
let img = await new DIG.Delete().getImage(avatar)
// Add the image as an attachement
let attach = new Discord.MessageAttachment(img, "delete.png");;
message.channel.send({ files: [attach] })
// Send the message with the image attached to an embed
if (message.content === "*blur") {
// Get the avatarUrl of the user
let avatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: false, format: 'png' });
// Make the image
let img = await new DIG.Blur().getImage(avatar)
// Add the image as an attachement
let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
let attach = new Discord.MessageAttachment(img, "blur.png");;
message.channel.send({ embeds: [embed], files: [attach])
// Log in to the bot
Available images
new DIG.Blur().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Level(Number)>`);
new DIG.Gay().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Greyscale().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Invert().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Sepia().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Blink().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Avatar2>`.....);
You can add as many images as you want
new DIG.Triggered().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Ad().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Affect().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Batslap().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Avatar2>`);
new DIG.Beautiful().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Bed().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Avatar2>`);
new DIG.Bobross().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.ConfusedStonk().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Delete().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.DiscordBlack().getImage(`<Avatar>`)
new DIG.DiscordBlue().getImage(`<Avatar>`)
new DIG.DoubleStonk().getImage(`<Avatar`, `<Avatar2>`)
new DIG.Facepalm().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Hitler().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Jail().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Karaba().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Kiss().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Avatar2>`);
new DIG.LisaPresentation().getImage(`<Text>`);
Limited to 300char
(Thanks to sιмση ℓεcℓεяε#5765)
new DIG.Mms().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.NotStonk().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Podium().getImage(`<Avatar1>, <Avatar2>, <Avatar2>, <Name1>, <Name2>, <Name3>`);
new DIG.Poutine().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Rip().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Spank().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Avatar2>`);
new DIG.Stonk().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Tatoo().getImage(`<Avatar>`)
new DIG.Thomas().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Trash().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Wanted().getImage(`<Avatar>`, `<Currency>`);
Currency ($, €, ...)
new DIG.Circle().getImage(`<Avatar>`);
new DIG.Color().getImage(`<Color>`);
An hex color is needed, like "#FF0000"
- Added Sofa
- Added Choke
- Added Arrest
- Added News
- Added Couple
Credits to Mr-KayJayDee and Alex15#0010