A http request router for Koa
A simple, predictable, low-performance router for Koa similar to koa-router and Express 4's built-in router.
npm install --save koa-wormhole
const Router = require('koa-wormhole');
const app = require('koa')();
const router1 = new Router();
router1.use(function*(next) { console.log('inside router1'); yield* next; });
router1.get('/', ...);
const router2 = new Router();
router2.get('/users', ...);
router2.post('/users', ...);
router2.get('/users/:username', ...);
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('listening on 3000'));
Router middleware (middleware mounted via router.use(...)
) are only run
if the request matches any of the router's routes. Else, the router is
You can find a lot of examples in koa-wormhole's tests: https://github.com/danneu/koa-wormhole/blob/master/test/index.js
Just like a koa instance, a router instance has router.use(...middleware)
that takes one or more middleware generator functions.
const mw1 = function*(next) {
console.log('executing mw1');
yield* next;
const mw2 = function*(next) {
console.log('executing mw2');
yield* next;
router.use(mw1, mw2);
However, a router's top-level middleware will not run unless the request matches one of the router's routes.
Let's define a route for the above example.
router.use(mw1, mw2);
router.get('/test', function*() {
console.log('executing GET /test');
this.body = 'hello world';
Since the two middleware were mounted before the route, they will run before the route:
$ curl http://localhost:3000/test
// executing mw1
// executing mw2
// executing GET /foo
//=> 'hello world'
And, unlike in koa-router, mount order matters in koa-wormhole.
If we mount the route before the middleware, then the middleware will not
get to execute unless the route yield* next
This is just predictable middleware behavior.
router.get('/test', function*() {
console.log('executing GET /test');
this.body = 'hello world';
router.use(mw1, mw2);
$ curl http://localhost:3000/test
// executing GET /foo
//=> 'hello world'
And here's an example of what that behavior looks like when we yield next from a route handler. The request will continue down the stack, possibly matching downstream handlers.
router.get('/test', function*(next) {
console.log('executing handler1 and yielding next');
yield* next;
router.get('/test', function*(next) {
console.log('executing handler2 and responding');
this.body = 'ok';
$ curl http://localhost:3000/test
// executing handler1 and yielding next
// executing handler2 and responding
//=> 'ok'
You can also mount middleware to a specific route to be run before the handler:
router.get('/test', mw1, mw2, function*() {
console.log('executing handler');
this.body = 'ok';
$ curl http://localhost:3000/test
// executing mw1
// executing mw2
// executing handler
//=> 'ok'
And it handles flattens out arrays. These are all the same:
router.get('/test', mw1, mw2, mw3, mw4, mw5);
router.get('/test', [mw1, mw2, mw3, mw4], mw5);
router.get('/test', mw1, [mw2], mw3, [mw4, mw5]);
router.get('/test', [mw1, mw2, mw3, mw4, mw5]);
URL params
koa-wormhole uses path-to-regexp to turn route paths into regular expressions, so it has the same syntax as Express4's router and koa-router.
Read its docs for more examples.
koa-wormhole exposes URL params via the this.params
router.get('/users/:id', function*() {
const user = yield database.findUserById(this.params.id);
this.assert(user, 404);
yield this.render('show_user.html', {
ctx: this,
user: user
URL param middleware
You can DRY up repetitive logic with Router#param(key, middleware)
For example, it's useful for auto-loading resources.
router.param('user_id', function*(val, next) {
this.resource = yield db.findUserById(val);
this.assert(this.resource, 404);
yield* next;
// `this.resource` is now guaranteed to exist in these handlers
router.get('/users/:user_id', ...);
router.get('/users/:user_id/edit', ...);
router.del('/users/:user_id', ...);
router.put('/users/:user_id', ...);
// and the param middleware will not be called for these
router.get('/users', ...);
router.post('/users', ...);
Method chaining
and all of the Router#{verb}
s return the router instance,
so you can chain them if you'd like.
.get('/users', listUsers)
.get('/users/:id', showUser)
.use(ensureAdmin) // <-- only applies to downstream routes
.del('/users/:id', deleteUser);
.get('/users/:id/admin-panel', administrateUser);
Nested Routers
3-layers deep:
const app = koa();
const r1 = new Router(), r2 = new Router(), r3 = new Router();
r3.get('/', function*(next) {
this.body = 'hello, world!';
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('listening on 3000'));
curl http://localhost:3000
// hello, world!
General idea
I thought it'd be fun to implement a router with koa-compose, composing one long chain of generator middleware for each router.
- Predictable behavior
- Simple implementation
koa-wormhole vs Express 4's built-in router
- Express 4's routing docs: http://expressjs.com/guide/routing.html
The key difference is that koa-wormhole only pipes a request through a mounted router if the request actually matches one of the router's routes.
Consider this Express example:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// router.js
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const router = require('express').Router();
router.use((req, res, next) {
console.log('inside router middleware');
router.get('/router', (req, res, next) => {
res.send('inside router route');
module.exports = router;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// server.js
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const app = require('express')();
const router = require('./router');
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('express listening on 3000'));
In Express, requests are always piped through routers, so top-level router middleware will always execute:
$ curl http://localhost:3000
// inside router middleware
//=> 'homepage'
$ curl http://localhost:3000/router
// inside router middleware
//=> 'inside router route'
Notice that the route's top-level middleware is always run.
Now let's look at the exact same example in koa-wormhole:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// router.js
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const router = require('koa-wormhole')();
router.use(function*(next) {
console.log('inside router middleware');
yield* next;
router.get('/router', function*(next) {
this.body = 'inside route route';
module.exports = router;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// server.js
// ------------------------------------------------------------
const app = require('koa')();
const router = require('./router');
app.get('/', function*() {
this.body = 'homepage';
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('koa listening on 3000'));
$ curl http://localhost:3000
//=> 'homepage'
$ curl http://localhost:3000/router
// inside router middleware
//=> 'inside router route'
koa-wormhole skips over the router when requesting the homepage since the router had no matching route.
I just find this behavior more useful, and it's what I'm used to with koa-router.
I initially considered solutions that let you distinguish between router middleware that always runs and router middleware that only runs on router match, but I couldn't think of a use-case for that behavior.
koa-wormhole vs koa-router
koa-router has some undefined behavior and unexpected idiosyncrasies.
One example is that top-level koa-router middleware are always run before the matched handler. Consider this koa-router example:
router.get('/', function*() {
console.log('executing router GET / handler');
this.body = 'ok';
router.use(function*(next) {
console.log('executing router middleware 1');
yield* next;
router.use(function*(next) {
console.log('executing router middleware 2');
yield* next;
router.use(function*(next) {
console.log('executing router middleware 3');
yield* next;
$ curl http://localhost:3000
// executing router middleware 1
// executing router middleware 2
// executing router middleware 3
// executing router GET / handler
//=> 'ok'
I find this behavior unexpected and counter-intuitive. I'd expect the 'GET /' handler to execute first and only call the downstream middleware if it yields next, which is what koa-wormhole will do.
This may be a bug: https://github.com/alexmingoia/koa-router/issues/194
I tried to improve upon koa-router by following standard middleware intuition like declaration-order sensitivity.