A koa middleware for reporting metrics to datadog
This middleware will report metrics to datadog regarding an app's response time and number of requisitions spplited by the tags (status_code, path and method). Custom tags are also available.
It reports metrics using dogstatsd histograms.
how to use
Import it and register as a middleware. e.g.
var ddog = require('koa-datadog-middleware')
All tags present in ctx.state.datadog
will be automatic concat in the default tags.
configuration / customization
The middleware is based on hot-shots lib, it will pass an options map forward to hot-shots, so the configuration are the same:
- host: The host to send stats to default: localhost
- port: The port to send stats to default: 8125
- prefix: What to prefix each stat name with default: ''
- suffix: What to suffix each stat name with default: ''
- globalize: Expose this StatsD instance globally? default: false
- cacheDns: Cache the initial dns lookup to host default: true
- mock: Create a mock StatsD instance, sending no stats to the server? default: false
- globalTags: Tags that will be added to every metric default: []
- maxBufferSize: If larger than 0, metrics will be buffered and only sent when the string length is greater than the size. default: 1000
- bufferFlushInterval: If buffering is in use, this is the time in ms to always flush any buffered metrics. default: 1000
- telegraf: Use Telegraf's StatsD line protocol, which is slightly different than the rest default: false
- sampleRate: Sends only a sample of data to StatsD for all StatsD methods. Can be overriden at the method level. default: 1
- errorHandler: A function with one argument. It is called to handle various errors. default: none, errors are thrown/logger to console
Note that two options (cacheDns and maxBufferSize) differs from the original lib.
const ddog = require('koa-datadog-middleware')
const config = {
"host": my.statsd.host.com,
"port": 8133,
"cacheDns": true