ko: stop repeating yourself
ko is a project generator written in bash
the name comes from the game of go, where ko is a rule which disallows infinite repitions. I like that name for this.
I use bash to copy files around and replace parts of them
so why would I write an automator for that in bad OO js?
and why would I require user interaction in an automator?
these are just a few problems I have with current solutions.
we want to be able to set constants in our project
and then use those constants to render files (one dir at a time usually)
into our project
first step:
a generator with a dir structure of
package.json /:command/{package.json, sourcefile.template.*}
would allow us to issue the commands
ko command subcommand cli-param --option
where options are listed in the package.json[ko]
ko directive ko-table-paginator ko
which would make a directive called ko-table-paginator in components/ko/
((the generator command has ./components as a default directory))
also commands can have nicknames which are lazier to type
ko d ko-table-paginator ko
and maybe a smart generator would use the namespace to place the files!
this first generator I'm writing is for angular es6
and the rendering will be done by bash itself
frankly, anything more would be overkill.