knockout ref binding inspired by React refs
Knockout refs
Knockout, by default, does not give a way to access child components from their parents. This is sometimes desireble. This simple knockout plugin solves this problem in a similar way that React does.
On your child component element define a ref:
<div data-bind="click: callback">
<child data-bind="ref: 'child'></child>
Then the instance governing the <child>
element you can find in
(or if you use browserify
const refs = require("knockout-refs")
In this example it will be ko.unwrap(ko.bindingHandlers.ref.refs.child)
References are packed inside an observable, and you can subscribe to it, the
instance will change, whenever the component governing the child will change
( this might be useful, when you use some kind of routing that change the
component of the top most element).
Note that references are created after parent is instantiated, so you
cannot access them when parent component's custructor is called (as in React,
where you cannot access refs in render
There is also refFn
binding which accepts as its arguments an object {ref:
string: callback: function}
. The callback is called asynchronously, since
first knockout has to instantiate all the children which is after the parent is
instantiated. Sinve refFn
controls descendant bindings you cannot use on any
other element that does the same, for example on any other element which has
a component binding (e.g. a knockout custom element).
Final remarks
Often by moving 'state' up the component tree you can avoid using this approach, though sometimes a cleaner approach is to have some public methods on the child accessible by the parent.