simple Date, String, Log, Number typescript Snippets
Snippets for Typescript
Dates, Files, and string functions
The shasum of this package was 0d9124d61ace018726d98de4fafbbde9d570e309
npm install --save klingsten-snippets --latest
- day.js
import { Numbers, Files } from "klingsten-snippets";
// -> or node:
const { Numbers, Log, Dates } = require('klingsten-snippets');
Usage / API
import { Numbers } from "klingsten-snippets";
Numbers.roundWithPrecision ( number, integer); // ( 120.12323, 3) -> 120.123
Numbers.isNumeric(input: any) // "d12.35" -> false
Numbers.round(n: number): number //
Numbers.getCounter() // returns int, starts 0 && increases by 1
// API
import { Files, IUploadFile } from "klingsten-snippets";
/** uploads files to the browser, and return IUploadFile[] */
public static async uploadFiles(filesInfo: File[]): Promise<IUploadFile[]>
/** reads as a file async, encoded base 64 url */
public static async readFileAsync(file: File): Promise<string> {
<input #file type="file" multiple (change)="upload(file.files)">
HTML -> example from Angular[v2+]
<div *ngFor="let file of files">
<img src="{{file.data}}" height="100px" max-width="200">
// Typescript -> ex from Angular[v2+] Component
files: IUploadFile[] = []; // see interfaces below
async upload(files:File[]) {
this.files = await Files.uploadfiles(files)
// API
import { Strings } from "klingsten-snippets";
/** splits a string by delimiters (',' or ',') except when delimiters are two quotes (' ' or " ") */
Strings.splitExceptQuotes(s: string, delimitor1: string = ';', delimitor2: string = ','): string[]
/** This uses the DOM Parser (available only in the the browser) */
public static removeHtmlTags(html: string): string
/** strict convertion of a string to number, return NaN if string does not convert correctly*/
Strings.stringToNumber("129.12", true);
// 2nd parameter -> true: isUkFormat (decimal .) or false: is DK format (decimal ,)
/** splits name and emails into {name:string, email:string} object. */
Strings.splitNameFromEmail(s: string): { name: string, email: string }
/** get unique ID, uses EPOCH plus random number */
Strings.uniqueID(): string
/** remove illegal chars in email adress (think non ASCII), and goes lowercase */
Strings.replaceIllgalCharsEmail(s: string): string
/** check if email address is valid */
Strings.isEmailValid(s: string): boolean
const emailStr = ' "lars, K" <[email protected]>; [email protected], Bob, Lin <[email protected]> ';
// note ',' or ';' between quotes (""), and delimtors ',' and ';'
const nameEmailArr : = Strings.splitNameFromEmail( emailStr );
// in: emailStr // see above
// out:
[ { name: "lars, K", email: "[email protected]" },
{ name: "", email: "[email protected]" },
{ name: "Bob, Lin",email: "[email protected]" }
] // 3 items
const email0 = Strings.splitNameFromEmail(strArr[0]);
// in: strArr[0] = '"lars, K" <[email protected]>'
// out: email0 = {name:'lars, K', email:'[email protected]' }
const email1 = Strings.splitNameFromEmail(strArr[1]);
// in: strArr[1] = '[email protected]'
// out: email1 = {name:'', email:'[email protected]' }
// - now uses UTC Dates only
// - uses dayjs
import { Dates } from "klingsten-snippets";
Dates.epochToIsoString (number) : string // ISO 8601 format '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Dates.epochToISODateTime (number) : string // ISO 8601 format '1970-12-24 00:00:00'
Dates.parseStrToDateUtc(dateStr: string, dateFormat: string) : Date | undefined
Dates.parseStrToDateTimeUtc(dateStr: string, dateFormat: string) : Date | undefined
Dates.removeHours(d: Date) : Date | undefined
import { Compare } from "klingsten-snippets";
// compares two arrays by attributes, and return an array of errors, if any
Compare.arrays(arrA: any[], arrB: any[], attr: string[]): CompareError[]
// compares two objects by attributes, and return an array of errors, if any
Compare.objects(objA: any[], objB: any[], attr: string[]): CompareError[]
// prints the errors
Compare.printErrors(errors: CompareError[], funcName: string))
test_splitNameFromEmail() {
const test = {
name: "Strings.splitNameFromEmail()",
insAndOuts: [
{ in: 'Lars', exp: { name: 'Lars', email: '', isValid: false } },
{ in: '[email protected]', exp: { name: '', email: '[email protected]', isValid: true }
let successCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < test.insAndOuts.length; i++) {
const r = test.insAndOuts[i];
const result = Strings.splitNameFromEmail(r.in) // test function
// compare the objects only on attributes 'name' and 'email', disregards rests
const errors = Compare.objects(result, r.exp, ['name', 'email']);
const isSuccess = errors.length === 0;
if (isSuccess) { successCount++; }
else { Compare.printErrors(errors, test.name + ' i=' + i) }
console.log("isSuccess", test.insAndOuts.length === successCount, `${test.name} tests=${test.insAndOuts.length} success=${successCount} `);
import { Timer } from "klingsten-snippets";
Timer.start('test'); // starts the time with the name 'test'
console.log(Timer.stop('test')); // returns elapsed milliseconds as number
console.log(Timer.stopAsString('test')); // returns elapsed milliseconds as as string
Timer.stopAsLog('test'); // prints timestamp and elapsed milliseconds to console
import { Log } from "klingsten-snippets";
Log.log("message") // prints timestamp plus message to console.
Log.now() // returns current time as date as string, like 10:59:59.121
Log.formatDateToUTCString(date) // returns date as string, like 10:59:59.121
interface IUploadFile {
info: File; /** javascript File */
data: string; /** Base 64 URL encoded */
source code