Fast, Reusable, React Native stylesheets classes.
Klazify v1.0
Klazify is a React Native Style Sheet utility
Klazify re-use styles just like CSS classes, highly inspired in bootstrap, but with the React Native limitations/features. It gives a professional and consistent look and feel, it also can improve the time and the way you develop with React Native.
Klazify loads all the Style Sheets from classes at the App startup and never more you StyleSheet.create() again, improving performance at runtime.
Table of contents
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You can install Klazify in any ReactNative project with v0.43 or above.
Witn NPM
npm install klazify
With Yarn
yarn add klazify
It's usage is very very simple, you just need to call the method init just for the first time to load the setup.
import {init} from 'klazify';
// this loads all default config
init(); // <--- outside App function
export default function App() {
return <View>
{"That's it! Klazify is completly loaded."}
Now you are ready to add some classes to any React Component, combine classes to satisfy your needs:
import {css} from 'klazify';
export default function AwesomeView() {
return <View style={css('p-1 bg-primary flex-1 center')}>
<Text style={css("text text-white")}>
{"Awesome View built with Klazify."}
List of classes
Please see all available classes
Save time and lines
Success!! You have saved time and lines, your code is readable.
import {StyleSheets} from 'react-native';
export default function NotAwesomeView() {
return <View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.text}>
{"The same View but with more code ☹️"}
// Note: every .create({}) uses app memory
const styles = StyleSheets.create({
container: {
padding: 8, // static values ☹️ instead of consistent and scalable values
backgroundColor: '#0d6efd', // pass this value in every styles files ☹️
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
text: {
fontSize: 12,
color: '#FFF' // or maybe creating a constant? with alot of imports ☹️
hybrid: {
fontSize: 12,
...css('text text-green-500'), // just use klazify like this
Basics and 3rd part credits
Klazify was made thanks to the EStyleSheets (extended style sheets) library, and every EStyleSheet rules aplies for Klazify, you can create, re-use, override variables, scaling, etc.
Klazify also includes a Popover which was based on Material Menu but we made it easy to use.
Other dependencies: color and lodash.
Klazify copyright.