An electron based virtual keyboard. Uses electron's sendInputEvent api to implement a simple customizable soft keyboard.
Simplest Kiosbrowser Virtual Keyboard
This is javascript virtual keyboard library that uses ipc as inter-communication between client and the browser and webContent's sendInputEvent() function to simulate key event within the browser built on electron
npm install kiosk-virtual-keyboard
Through yarn
yarn add kiosk-virtual-keyboard
The keyboard requires passing keys to the main process to mimic key input events. Therefore, you must set your main process to handle these requests
Main Process
Somewhere in you main electron process after you have created your window, pass the webContent object to the VirtualKeyboard class
const { VirtualKeyboardServer } = require('kiosk-virtual-keyboard/virtual-keyboard-server');
let vkb; // keep virtual keyboard reference around to reuse.
function createWindow() {
/* Your setup code here */
vkb = new VirtualKeyboardServer(window.webContents);
Render Process
Then on your renderer process you can setup any supported element to use the virtual keyboard as follows:
<link href="node_modules/kiosk-virtual-keyboard/virtual-keyboard-client/virtual-keyboard.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<input type="text" />
import { VirtualKeyboardClient } from 'kiosk-virtual-keyboard/virtual-keyboard-client';
var keyboard = VirtualKeyboardClient({ lang: 'us-en', mode: 'normal', withNumeric: true });