An Anime/Hentai Image API which simplifies how you fetch random images for you! Reliable, and very pleasure friendly!
npm install kinakoneko
// kinakoneko //
const kinakoneko = require('kinakoneko');
async function yourFunctionName() {
// Get SFW Neko Images, uwu //
console.log("SFW Neko: " + await kinakoneko.neko());
// Get Lewd Neko (NSFW), owo //
console.log("Lewd Neko:" + await kinakoneko.lewdNeko());
// Lewd Bomb me onii-san~~ //
console.log("Lewd Bomb: " + await kinakoneko.lewdBomb(5));
// Get other NSFW Images //
console.log("BDSM: " + await kinakoneko.nsfw.bdsm());
console.log("Maid: " + await kinakoneko.nsfw.maid());
console.log("Hentai: " + await kinakoneko.nsfw.hentai());
// Call your Function! //
Legacy Function(s)
kinakoneko.function() // Format
kinakoneko.lewdNeko() // Example
kinakoneko.lewdBomb(5) // Meow, I'm Example 2
Function | Description ---|--- lewdNeko | NSFW Neko Girls (Cat Girls) lewdBomb(n) | Sends (n) amount of lewds! :3
SFW Function(s)
kinakoneko.function() // Format
kinakoneko.foxgirl() // Awoo!~ Another example!
kinakoneko.neko() // Meow! An Example!
Function | Description ---|--- neko | SFW Neko Girls (Cat Girls) foxgirl | SFW Fox Girls
NSFW Function(s)
kinakoneko.nsfw.function() // Format
kinakoneko.nsfw.hentai() // Example
kinakoneko.nsfw.feet() // Another Example
Function | Description ---|--- ass | I know you like anime ass~ uwu bdsm | If you don't know what it is, search it up blowjob | Basically an image of a girl sucking on a sharp blade! cum | Basically sticky white stuff that is usually milked from sharpies. doujin | Sends a random doujin page imageURL! feet | So you like smelly feet huh? femdom | Female Domination? foxgirl | Girl's that are wannabe foxes, yes gifs | Basically an animated image, so yes :3 glasses | Girls that wear glasses, uwu~ hentai | Sends a random vanilla hentai imageURL~ netorare | Wow, I won't even question your fetishes. maid | Maids, Maid Uniforms, etc, you know what maids are :3 masturbation | Solo Queue in CSGO! orgy | Group Lewd Acts panties | I mean... just why? You like underwear? pussy | The genitals of a female, or a cat, you give the meaning. school | School Uniforms!~ Yatta~! succubus | Spooky Succubus, oh I'm so scared~ Totally don't suck me~ tentacles | I'm sorry but, why do they look like intestines? thighs | The top part of your legs, very hot, isn't it? uglyBastard | The one thing most of us can all agree to hate :) uniform |Military, Konbini, Work, Nurse Uniforms, etc!~ Sexy~ yuri | Girls on Girls, and Girl's only!<3 zettaiRyouiki | That one part of the flesh being squeeze in thigh-highs~<3
Wallpaper Function(s)
kinakoneko.nsfw.function() // NSFW Format
kinakoneko.nsfw.mobileWallpapers() // NSFW Example
Function | Description ---|--- kinakoneko.mobileWallpapers() | Fetch a random SFW Wallpaper! (Mobile) kinakoneko.wallpapers() | Fetch a random SFW Wallpaper! (Desktop) kinakoneko.nsfw.mobileWallpapers() | Fetch a random NSFW Wallpaper! (Mobile) kinakoneko.nsfw.wallpapers() | Fetch a random NSFW Wallpaper! (Desktop)
How to Resolve Promises
// Just Calling my dear child, kinakoneko //
const kinakoneko = require('kinakoneko');
// Option 1, using and calling an asyncronous function //
async function yourFunctionName() {
console.log(await kinakoneko.nsfw.maid()); // Output: Some weird long link that you probably will definitely try to open //
// Don't forget to call your function! //
// Option 2, Using ".then" //
kinakoneko.nsfw.maid().then((imageURL) => {
Discord Bot Example
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const kinakoneko = require('kinakoneko');
// Create New Client //
const client = new Discord.Client();
// Bot Settings //
const settings = {
prefix: "YOUR_BOT_PREFIX",
// On "Message" Event! //
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
// Checks if message channel is NSFW! //
if (! return'Sorry! Not NSFW Channel!');
// Create New Embed //
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
// Defines Command //
var command = message.content.toLowerCase().slice(settings.prefix.length).split(' ')[0];
// Onii-chan, don't reply! //
if (!message.content.startsWith(settings.prefix) || return;
if (command == 'lewdneko') {
// For Embed //
embed.setImage(await kinakoneko.lewdNeko());
return{ embeds: [embed] });
// For Plain Text //
return kinakoneko.lewdNeko());
} else if (command == 'maid') {
// For Embed //
embed.setImage(await kinakoneko.nsfw.maid());
return{ embeds: [embed] });
// For Plain Text //
return kinakoneko.nsfw.maid());